We Canadians can be a reserved lot, we like to play our cards close to our chest, especially when it comes to politics. And in the political realm that is even more true for those of us with an open minded and liberal world view.
But for the majority of Canadians opposed to both Stephen Harper's style as well as his substance, this is no longer an option.
Politicians have long spoken out of both sides of their mouths. Trudeau, Mulroney, Chretien...but Stephen Harper has taken it to an entirely new level. What makes it so galling in the case of Canada's current Prime Minister is how he drips sanctimony while deriding others, always holding himself to a far lower standard.
Harper's hypocrisy is on display for all the world to see. The Conservatives came to power trumpeting open and accessible government. Yet it seems like every day there's another story about Harper's government keeping vital information secret and away from the prying eyes of Canadian voters.
Remember back in 2005 how the newly minted Conservative government was going to look after Canada's veterans? They touted their "Veterans Health Services Review", telling Canadians how this country would identify gaps in Canada's treatment of those who wore Canada's uniform.
Sounds all warm and fuzzy doesn't it. I imagine Canadian taxpayers paid a decent sum for what the Tories called one of the most extensive (and likely most expensive) reviews of Veteran Affairs ever undertaken.
Okay, so five plus years have gone by....What did the review have to say Mr. Harper?
Well, its being reported now that its "Protected Information". READ ABOUT IT HERE
I bet Steven Dornan would like to know what's being kept from Canadians. THIS STORY IN SUN MEDIA tells us about a soldier with 25 years service, and his battle with Veteran Affairs for disability benefits.
Enough is enough.
Those of us sick and tired of Harper and his games can't afford to be silent any longer. Politics is not considered a topic for polite conversation, but Harper and his crew are anything but polite. Progressive and decent Canadians can no longer afford to allow the Tories to dominate the political debate with their Bush style attack ads and never ending smears of anyone who stands in the way of their quest for supreme and majority control of OUR PARLIAMENT.
What can you do?
Take a moment to visit a website I recently came across: UNSEATHARPER.CA
Visit their store and purchase a t-shirt, one that will tell everyone who sees you that: "I will ^NOT^ vote for Harper".
Join their facebook group, follow them on twitter. And talk, talk, talk about the reasons you won't be voting for the Harper Conservatives.
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