Monday, June 8, 2020

Why blacks need to be extra careful about contracting Covid-19....

I'm not in favour of forced lockdown measures, anyone who has been following this blog for any length of time knows that.  I just read an incredible Guardian article that beautifully calls out the blatant hypocrisy of many so called progressives for distorting science here:  

When the George Floyd protests and demostrations started happening, it warmed my heart for two reasons.  Firstly it demonstrated that a lot of people really care about racial equality, and second it showed that fear over the novel coronavirus could be overcome.  I have often used the term "the mostly benign coronavirus", and I still believe that to be true.  

But "mostly" doesn't mean completely.  For some it can be serious and deadly.  And besides the elderly and health compromised there is strong evidence that it is a far more lethal disease for those who have darker skin.  In Lousiana blacks make up about 33% of the state's population, yet blacks make up ~57% of that state's Covid-19 deaths  In Sweden Somalis only make up 1% of the population, but represent 5% of Covid cases

While some have pointed to socio-economic factors as the reason for this dispartity, there's growing evidence that Vitamin D deficiency is also playing a role.  It is a long known and well established fact that people with darker complexions are far more prone to Vitamin D deficiency because people with darker skin tones don't absorb enough vitamin D from the sun, this is especially true for darker skinned people living in the northern hemisphere.  

With all the BLM protests and demostrations, I hope and pray that there isn't a surge in cases amongst this population group with everyone milling about while paying little heed to social distancing advice.  I watched some of the George Floyd memorial service, it was indoors and many were not wearing masks.  

All the data and science is pointing to Covid-19 being pretty much benign disease for younger healthy people, with there being a greater chance of being seriously injured or killed in a car accident than dying from catching this virus.  But we can't turn a blind eye to risk factors.  In Italy there's evidence pointing to a genetics as the reason why the south was not as severely hit as the north, despite the fact that the south is the less affluent region.  

And here's a link to a CTV article on the statistically significant link between Vitamin D and the severity of Covid.  

Now that all the social distancing regulations have basically been put in the garbage we need to do all we can to identify and protect the vulnerable.   


The Disaffected Lib said...

Chatterton Williams offers lovely social commentary but with a BA in philosophy and a Masters in cultural studies, I'm a bit reluctant to heed his scientific/medical musings. I'm going to stick with BC's own medical officer of health, Bonnie Henry. Hey, did you see the feature they published on Dr. Henry in the New York Times? It seems she knows what she's talking about and she's very bi-partisan.

If I'm looking for pandemic advice, I'll stick with an expert in the field who has delivered amazing results, not once but several times, over your culture critic, even if he is in the Guardian. And, by the way, this is a medical issue. Leave your political strawmen out of it.

Gordie Canuk said...

DL, I don't even think you know what a strawman is. Where in my entire post did I set up a strawman? I'm just sharing data and science and providing credible sources....if you want to ignore it that's your choice.