Tuesday, June 23, 2020

NYC nurse shares shocking hospital video of covid patient treatment....

This is so horrifying that I pray it isn't true.  But I have trouble believing this nurse would go on record if it weren't.  She is alleging that people not in need of a ventilator are being put on them, that patients with compromised immunity but Covid negatitive are being placed with Covid patients.  The reason she believes this is being done is due to Medicare and Medicaid providing extra funding for Covid patients, $29,000 for those put on ventilators. 

Her name is Erin Marie Olszewski, and she has been getting some press.  I'm surprised I hadn't come across this sooner. 


If these allegations are true it changes the narrative of this pandemic almost entirely.  While this is reportedly what happened at Elmhurst hospital in Queen's NYC, I don't doubt that if it did indeed happen there then it is also happening elsewhere in the for profit U.S. hospital system. 


Anonymous said...

Surprised you haven't read about this before. Not the "everyone running about in a panic and getting things wrong" but the need to make money off the US feds. With hospitals not taking in regular patients and charging back to HMOs, they had/have to get revenue somewhere. So the more procedures you can stick on one patient the better, click!, it's a line item on an invoice for each one, like taking your car in for service. Regular people end up with arbitrarily increased deductibles and co-pays from their HMO as well during CV-19. Everyone but the patient is catered for. Well, not regular physicians in local clinics trying to get paid for telehealth visits, they're suffering. The US is hell on earth with a propaganda machine that tells people they're living in paradise.

Had an acquaintance who had a car accident in the US and sent to hospital with broken bones. Looking at his invoice afterwards for nearly 100 grand, there were numerous $200 items where docs had claimed a visit while he recuperated that he couldn't remember. Apparently, sticking your head in the door and saying "how are you feeling?" is a $200 fee, so the docs themselves pad their bill that way. F**ked-up.


The private US jail system gets paid up to $60K a year per prisoner, so the more inmates the merrier. The HMOs take a page out of that book to get more money. Everything in the US is upside down to common logic just to make money for big companies. I have avoided the place since 1999.

Quite how this Daily Mail right wing rag article changes everything you'll need to explain. I lived in the UK, and the Daily Mail and Telegraph are as Tory as you can get. Some links from better sources:




Here in Canada and the rest of the world, it's for-profit long term care facilities who ream "inmates" as my Mum called herself. I see Harris, the despicable former Ontario premier who is CEO of one of these charaltan outfits, called up Doug Fraud to let him know that the big boys want no change in rules, because hey, taking people's life savings and making investors rich is far more important and overrides reforming LTC practices. Just be glad we have a public health care system. At least our medical people/governments are "trying" to do their best in this pandemic untainted by money, whether you or I think they get it correct. Only drug company junkets to prescribe their wares affects regular docs. But kenney in Alberta in particular wants the US private health care system -- the man is in the pocket of the wealthy, and Albertans are too dumb to figure him out.


Gordie Canuk said...

Thanks for the links BM, I share your opinion of the Daily Mail, but a quick google search didn't bring up much so I went with what was there....this nurse's videos and screen shots were mind blowing....which is why I'm now even more leery of trusting American data, I will happily stick with Ontario's reporting....also not perfect, but in my view much much closer to reality than what US health officials are reporting.

In Ontario we have ~500 hospitals province wide, and as of Monday there weren't even 300 Covid patients being treated, less than 1 per hospital. The only reason we were told it was necessary to utterly turn our world upside down and destroy people's lives was because our hospital system was going to be over run....and it has not happened. It is long past time we started basing policy on EVIDENCE, not on failed computer modeling.