Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Only 383 Covid patients in all of Ontario, yet the state of emergency drags on

Ontario is a province of more than 14 million people, about 6 million of whom live in the Greater Toronto Area, or GTA for short.  Out of this entire population there are currently only 383 patients being treated for Covid-19, the disease that can result from being infected with the novel and mostly benign coronavirus.  

I use the words "can result" intentionally, because I have trouble with the concept of saying someone has a disease when it doesn't make them sick.  The whole problem with trying to stop or even slow the spread of this virus is that the majority of people who get it, they don't know they have it because their immune system is strong enough to fight it off.  

It's time Canada and our respective governments came to their collective senses, we can't stop this virus from spreading, to think otherwise is nothing short of rank ignorance.  I know there are some dim bulbs out there who think we could somehow just lock everyone in their homes for two weeks and then magically the virus would go away.   

Even if we could do that somehow, it still wouldn't work.  The virus would still be spreading while everyone was locked down.  Morons are getting their shorts in a knot whenever there's a report of an outbreak somewhere, thinking that somehow the virus is just going to vanish and allow everyone to go back to life the way it was before the heavy hand of government came slamming down.  Like little children who think if they're extra good Mommy and Daddy will let them stay up late.

Does anyone with two IQ points to rub together seriously think we could shutter hospitals, police and fire departments?  That we could simply tell people to stock up with two or three weeks worth of groceries and to hunker in the bunkers for fifteen or so days?  Anyone who seriously thinks that is possible isn't just building sandcastles in the sky, they're close to moving in.  

The virus isn't going away, and in point of fact it may never go away.  It could very well be a constant thing, much like influenza which killed 8,511 people in 2018 according to Statistics Canada.  

So what are we going to do?  Are we going to continue destroying the lives of millions of people for a virus that isn't a health threat for 99% of the population?  

There's only one logical thing to do in my less than humble opinion.  

We need to do whatever we can to protect those for whom Covid can be serious and potentially fatal, and take our lumps.  It sucks, but not as much as what we're doing in trying to slow the spread.  From the beginning I've been singing from the songbook that says our response is worse than the disease, and the chorus is getting bigger and louder.  

If you don't believe me check out Dr. John Ionnidis, someone The Atlantic said may be one of the most influential scientists alive.


The Disaffected Lib said...

Gordie, I shouldn't have to do this but:

Sorry, Gordie, but 'follow the money'. If what this guy said was remotely convincing, he'd be neck deep in riches beyond his imagination.

Gordie, it's a good thing you were never a lawyer swimming in a sea of top-notch litigators. For what it's worth, I think you would do quite well in law school. I've seen it happen before. You've got the basic skills. You just need to discipline your thoughts.

Gordie Canuk said...

Thanks for the link, and excellent read, and it serves to underline the hyper political world we live in....someone is good, and everything they say is good, then they say something that "group think" says is wrong, and everything they say has to be wrong....nuance is gone.