Monday, June 22, 2020

Support for emergency measures shows how selfish some Canadians can be.

"We're all in the same boat".

How many times have you heard this thoughtless platitude?  I've heard it many times, and without exception it has come from someone for whom emergency measures are not that bad.  By "not that bad" I mean they have stable incomes, either from continuing employment or pension/retirement income.  They're healthy, secure and happily binge watching dumb TV shows.

All their essential needs are being met, and many that aren't essential.  There are armies of workers out keeping the supply chain open, maintaining the hydro grid and internet connections so that these selfish idiots can hunker comfortably in their bunkers while millions around them are too scared and depressed to speak.  I recently spoke with a high school acquanitance who actually prefers the new normal.

Put your feet into the shoes of someone who has lost a family member because their vital by-pass operation was cancelled.  Or a patient with a lump or growth that was due to be screened two or three months ago, told that early detection is the most vital tool in the box for surviving cancer, now sitting and waiting and wondering if it'll be too late to treat.  People dying alone because their families aren't allowed to visit, and then denied the chance to properly grieve with a funeral service.

If that's not enough to open the eyes of the self absorbed, then think of young children who have had their schooling taken away.  And in its place many have out of work depressed parents, with booze declared essential, a sure fire recipe for mental, physical and sexual abuse.

Things have gotten a bit better as lockdown type measures have eased, but there is still a lot of pain out there.  Millions are still out of work, people who've gone from being productive working members of their communities to being forced onto government welfare.  Businesses that have watched the Wal-Marts, Amazons and Home Depots be declared essential and not even shut down after outbreaks, while they sit and watch the bills pile up without adequate government support to keep them afloat.

I could go on and on.  For most people these emergency measures have been an inconvenience, but for a significant minority (my guess is 33% of the population) they've been devastating.

The SARS-Cov-2 is not going away anytime soon.  Maybe we'll get lucky and a rushed vaccine will be made available.  I won't be rolling up my sleeve though because doing science right takes time, vaccines take 3-5 years to develop, not a fraction of that for a very good reason, safety.  Maybe we'll be lucky and it will be safe without rigorous testing, but I'm not going to be taking the chance for at least a couple years

For me these self absorbed "we're all in the same boat" morons are the true Covidiots, and they're all crying again because of the huge crowds at Toronto beaches.  Hey kids, you can work in the grocery stores and Wal-Marts, at Amazon fulfillment centres and Tim Horton drive-thrus, because I want those things.  But when you're off stay home because I'm scared of this virus and I want to go visit my elderly Mommy and Daddy soon.

Go whine on someone else's shoulder and get over yourselves.

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