Monday, June 8, 2020

Thanks to BLM demonstrations lockdown measures are now just guidelines...

Worried about meeting up with your brother and sister for a backyard BBQ?  Afraid of getting a ticket for joining up with friends at a park and not staying two metres apart?  In my non-expert legal opinion, don't be.  

Fight it. 

If its okay for tens of thousands of people to ignore public ordinances put in place due to the mostly benign coronavirus in order to demonstrate against racism, then that simply proves these laws were always toothless to begin with in my opinion. 

And its time to start rescuing everyone who's been thrown under the Coronavirus Bus.  I'm talking about the 3+ million Canadians who've lost jobs and businesses.  The kids who've had their schools closed, some facing the terror of substance abusing out of work parents.  The mentally ill and other vulnerable groups who had life saving support systems ripped away.  And all the patients who are dying because vital procedures like cardiac surgeries have been indefinitely delayed.  

I'm not saying that everything is going back to normal, that will take time, a long time, but I expect it to happen eventually.  

For those still terrified of contracting Covid-19, of course you can continue to hunker in your bunker, ordering groceries on-line and wearing full PPE when venturing out of doors, Canada is a free country.  But no more gestapo tactics of calling the authorities on your neighbours for having a back yard birthday party for their ten year old. 

For elderly health compromised people, vigilance is smart.  But again, this is a country with laws and a constitution that must be followed.  Canada is a country that respects the rule of law, we can all be thankful for that because there are many people who don't live in societies that respect individual rights and freedoms.  

I have a high school friend who messaged me recently.  She's conflicted because her elderly parents are angry about not seeing her and her brother.  The thing is her elderly step-dad has multiple health conditions that put him at extreme risk of Covid-19 being serious and possibly fatal.  But he doesn't care, he and his wife don't want to spend what is left of their time on this earth losing contact with friends and family.  They're also Christians who believe that we human beings don't have lordship over our lives.  The Bible teaches that there is nothing we can do to add or subtract to the number of days on this side of the veil.  In this country one is free to have that belief, it's not a crime.

What are we going to do in a liberalized democratic country?  Are we going to tell those who are vulnerable that they have to isolate and that their only interactions can take place with proper PPE in place?  Are we going to strip them of their individual rights and freedoms?  Do they no longer have the freedom to choose?  

Obviously we can't, and this is not something without precedent.  There are all kinds of risky and deadly behvaviours that health professionals advise against, but that are completely legal.  Smoking is the most obvious.  A Confernce Board of Canada study determined that 45,000 deaths per year can be directly linked to smoking, at a cost of around $6 billion to our underfunded and overwhelmed health care system.  

Freedom is freedom after all, and those who don't like it.....well maybe they should think about moving to China or North Korea or some other country where personal rights and liberties are not valued.  

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