Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let Israelis worry about Israel, we have enough problems

Should a new Palestinian state be created, and if so where should its borders be?


There are trouble spots all over the globe, Afghanistan of course, the Congo, Sri Lanka, all over the Middle East in general and of course in Israel. 

We get plenty of news about Afghanistan and the situation in Libya given our involvement in those conflicts.  There's the odd piece about the Congo, and once in a blue moon if its a really slow news day you might see something on Tamils in Sri Lanka. 

But it all pales in comparison to when Israel makes the news, such as recently when U.S. president Obama waded in on where to start when negotiating borders with a potential new Palestinian state. 

Things that Canadians should be worrying about include the devastation of floods in Manitoba and Quebec, governments struggling to bring runaway deficits under control, a fragile economic recovery with no ammunition in reserve to fight the next recession, pending interest rate hikes that will push many over extended Canadians over the debt wall.

What land should Israel cede to a new home for Palestinians?  Its a fun academic question certainly, and a nice little diversion from issues closer to home.  But let's focus our attention of getting our own house in order instead of worrying about two parties incapable of compromise. 

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Time for the post Rapture headcount....

May 21 came and went with no earthquakes or other disasters to speak of, unless you think this blog qualifies.  The Rapture was supposed to happen on Saturday, and near as I can tell we're all still here.  For those unfamiliar with what the Rapture means, some Christians believe they'll be beamed up to heaven before the rest of us are subjected to destruction. 

But even the Christian clergyman who raised and spent millions to warn us, Harold Camping, is still among I guess we'll dispense with the head count.

Should this lead some Christians to re-examine their faith?  Perhaps it should.  Those who believe the Bible to be God's authoritative and final word might do well to engage in a bit of re-think me thinks.

Taking words written down by human beings, and then translated over and over for thousands of years...and trying to discern some divine message from them certainly seems even more dubious now than it did before May 21, 2011.  And I'm sure that's especially true for those who emptied their bank accounts to plaster the message on billboards all over the world.

Apparently millions were spent on this marketing blitz.  What a waste.  That's money that could have gone to feeding the hungry, for food and clothing for the indigent.   But then Christianity has evolved into something far different from what the reputed words of Jesus professed. 

If you're one of those still hung up on the meaning of some 2,000 year old writings...consider this.  Jesus hand picked 12 disciples to deliver his message, and even they didn't understand what he was talking about most of the time.  Many Christians believe that Jesus predicted his own demise by saying the temple would be destroyed and that it would rise again on the third day. 

But his own disciples didn't understand what the heck Jesus was talking about, they expected the temple mount to be razed and rebuilt.  Only after the fact did they supposedly understand it....

"OHHHHH!  Remember when he called the body a temple?  He was talking about himself"!!!

Prophecy isn't really very useful unless you understand what it means BEFORE the event happens, not after.

If any future religious leader wants to pinpoint the day for the end of times...I suggest they pull a number out of a hat that's at least 100 years in the future.

And seriously, would God really end the world so soon after Stephen Harper and his Christian base finally got a majority? 

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sure hope God doesn't mess up my camping plans..

By now everyone knows that the world is supposed to be ending today, bummer.  Its on billboards, in the paper and all over the news.  I just checked and someone won $35 million last night on LottoMax.  Boy wouldn't that be a kick in the groin, becoming a millionaire and then having the world end before you could even cash in.

I realize many people are busy getting ready for doom and destruction so let me be the first to tell everyone to relax, the world will not end today.  Nobody is getting beamed up to heaven, and there's not going to be a massive earthquake for those of us left behind to contend with.

If you're cleaning the house so it'll look good when Jebus pops in, chill. 

Why am I so sure?  Divine revelation my friends, well, that isn't quite true.  I couldn't get hold of the Supreme being but I did contact heaven's press secretary.  What was revealed was more like a press release than a burning bush.  Here's what it said.

"It has been widely reported that God has ordained May 21, 2011 as the end of times.  Please be advised there are no events scheduled for that day.  God does not in fact own a calendar, thus any attempt to pinpoint a date is pointless at best.  There are currently no plans to end the world, however God does reserve the right to rain down hell fire at some future date if so desired.  Please refrain from inundating our offices with further requests for end time information.  If a decision is made to terminate human existence God will notify followers via twitter"
So relax everyone and enjoy the fireworks tomorrow.    

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Market research for a new religion

Having looked into various religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam I've decided that the marketplace is in bad need of a new faith, but given our modern age I think some market research is in order first.  After all, new products and services almost always involve the taking of surveys and an examination of things like demographics so as to tweak offerings.  The goal is to maximize public appeal and obviously profits. 

I don't yet have all the details worked out, just a sort of sketch in my head.  The overhead view, from say 100 miles up, is of something along the lines of "The Force" of Star Wars fame.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll be able to incorporate the word Jedi given that it is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd, so there goes the name '1st Galactic Jedi Church - Reformed'. 

It doesn't matter, I'm sure I can work around it.  Religions have been borrowing from one another for thousands of years after all.  I know I've got a lot of work ahead of me, and that other faiths won't take kindly to a new messiah on the block.  I'm already anticipating stiff competition from the entrenched faiths and can envision them re branding themselves to avoid losing customers.  I wouldn't be surprised to see: Improved Christianity, The New Islam, or even Judaism II The Sequel.

The core elements that I've worked out are:

-It will be monotheistic, one God or supreme being/entity.  When you put Christians, Jews and Muslims together you have over 3 billion people in total, so why mess with success. 

-Taxes will be paid.  Instead of seeking tax exempt status like older religions, this new faith will pay its share.  This is part of a marketing ploy, given these tough times I think people will gravitate toward an organization that doesn't seek to avoid paying taxes.

-I'm not actually looking to assume a Mosaic or Messianic role myself, I'd prefer to work behind the scenes.  Jesus, Mohammad, Gandhi...too many murders.

-I'm open to the idea of franchising, so long as I retain ultimate control. 

As to the market research I'm inviting readers to answer a few questions in the comment section.  The questions are:

1)  Would you be more inclined to worship/venerate a supreme being that is portrayed as male, female or non gender specific?

2)  Should contributions be required at 5% or 20% of gross income?  I've decided that the price of salvation/enlightenment will be monetary, but can't settle on the amount.  While 5% is certainly more affordable, I'm thinking that making it 20% might bring with it some snob know like, "Oh I don't go to one of those cheap faiths that only asks for 10% of my income, my religion costs 20%...but its worth it".  

3)  What would be the best day/time to gather?  Sundays are real busy now what with Sunday shopping and all.  What about maybe a Wednesday evening around 8pm?

4)  Should followers of other  faiths be condemned to hell?  I don't like idea personally, but I do think it could be an effective tool in bringing in converts.  What better to persuade people than to tell them that rejecting this new faith will lead to an eternity of misery.

Okay...that's the outline.  Don't feel constrained by the questions asked, use the comments function to chime in with any ideas you might have.

May my force be with me.

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Is Christianity an evil religion?

It has become something of a common practice for those of the Christian faith to ask whether Islam is an inherently "evil" religion.  I've even heard fundamentalists question whether Muslims worship Satan.  Just type "Is Islam an evil religion" into google and you'll get over 42 million hits. 

Given that the golden rule, 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you' is a core belief of Christianity...I think its only fitting to apply the same question to the Christian faith. 

Rather than pulling quotes from the Koran let's look at the Bible and see what Christians regard as God's revealed word.  Now, before commencing with this task a basic understanding of the Bible and Christianity is warranted. 

The Bible is of course divided into two principle sections or testaments, the old and new.  The old testament, among other things, prescribed a set a rules and ordinances for observance and service to the God of Abraham...this is often referred to as a covenant or agreement. 

For someone wishing to get into heaven it was necessary to adhere to the laws set forth so as to be 'clean' because nothing 'unclean' would ever be allowed in paradise.  Of course given that pretty much everyone sins and becomes unclean, there were rituals and practices for cleansing oneself, and thus ensuring a place in heaven.

The New Testament is said to be a new covenant, one where God provided his only son as a sacrifice.  Jesus is a kind of like white-out for sin, belief and acknowledgment of Jesus as lord is offered as the ultimate cleansing which ensures salvation and a place with God. 

Of course the old testament is still God's revealed word...but if you look at it in legal terms it might be said that: 

In cases where the old and new testaments are in conflict the new testament shall be taken as law.  In cases where a law of the old testament is not in conflict the old testament shall retain its authority.
That's quite the preamble.  Alrightee then, what does the Bible reveal about the God worshipped by

From the laws written in Deuteronomy 21:18-21 it says:
If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death.
Holy child abuse Batman!!!  The Christian God actually advocates stoning???  Okay, maybe not now, the courts would toss God in jail.  But this is still pretty harsh, even for a supreme deity. 

Slavery can be a pretty touchy subject, the concept of "owning" another human being rubs most people the wrong way...but not the God worshipped by Christians.  According to the revealed word of the Lord slavery was honky dory.  Here's what it says in Exodus 21:2-6:
If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years.  Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom.  If he was single when he became your slave and then married afterward, only he will go free in the seventh year.  But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife will be freed with him.  If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave, and they had sons or daughters, then the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master.  But the slave may plainly declare, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children.  I would rather not go free.'  If he does this, his master must present him before God.  Then his master must take him to the door and publicly pierce his ear with an awl.  After that, the slave will belong to his master forever.
I know slavery still exists in parts of the world.  Perhaps advocates of slavery are just following the teachings of the Bible? 

Now, lest you think Jesus came along and repudiated slavery I'll include a quote from the New Testament.  One that clearly shows that even under the new covenant, slavery is still no long as slaves and slave owners are obedient followers of Christ.  From 1 Timothy 6:1-2:
Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed.  If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful.  You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts.  Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.
I know many regard Islam as a very misogynistic religion, one where women's right are given little if any respect.  Christians though can turn to their own Bible and read God's holy word in Numbers chapter 31:
Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp.  But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle.  "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded.  "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor.  They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the Lord's people.  Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man.  Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.
There's plenty in the Bible that will give modern, educated and enlightened people cause for concern, and Christians would do well to look at the logs in their own eyes before commenting on the splinters is the eyes of Muslims. 

And as a final point Christians and Muslims actually worship the same entity, the God of Abraham.  Christians make their break with Jesus, Muslims with Mohammad.   

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Are emboldended right wingers pushing the agenda? Fraser Institute chimes in on immigration

Maybe its coincidence, or perhaps its just me...but it seems like Conservative minded Canadians have felt their cajones swell with Stephen Harper's electoral triumph.  Yes, sixty per cent of Canadians voted for the so called 'reckless coalition', but in Canadian politics forty per cent has long been the litmus test for legitimate majority rule.

I think right wingers would be wise to take note of those numbers though.  Most Canadians did not want a Harper majority, but our system is what it is and I'm not going to bemoan the result.  It seems that Harper's Reform base is looking to push some issues quietly into the national discourse.

Remember the Reform Party?  They stormed into Ottawa and quickly earned a reputation as being something of a Bible thumping red neck party.  Against a woman's right to choose, against same sex marriage, and against immigration. 

Conservative commentators are starting to bring up topics like abortion, and main stream corporate media outlets are giving them a forum.

A great example of right leaning, corporate media is of course tabloid rags like the Toronto Sun, where headlines such as this are not uncommon:  Anti-abortion protesters hope Harper will re-open debate

Everyone knows the old line about: "Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics".  Well the Fraser Institute attempts to use statistics to prove that immigration is a huge burden.  I can just hear Preston Manning's old Reform choir singing...'Hllelujah" and screaming "Amen Brother".   

Now, before going ballistic on a story like this I like to look at the source, in this case The Fraser Institute.  What I found out was interesting to say the least.  While claiming to be non-partisan and interested in doing "meticulous" research into a variety of issues...a look at their 2009 annual report is very telling. 

The numbers they provide show an organization that raised and spent in excess of $12 million that year.  But while individuals comprised 84% of their supporters, those individuals only chipped in with 12% of total contributions.  Where did most of the money come from?  Foundations and organizations at 54%and 34% respectively. 

In other words some very deep pocketed groups looking to push an agenda from where I sit.  One that is cleansed by the guise of being academic and non-partisan. 

Sadly I don't think Canadians are sufficiently engaged to notice.  They'll read a headline about "Immigrants costing us billions" and Canada will become just a little less opening, a little less tolerant and a little more mean spirited. 

I do hope I'm wrong.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Government probe into gas prices a waste of time....

Oh boy, there's gonna be another government review of the oil and gas industry over sky rocketing prices at the pumps.  And all the while Big Oil continues to rake in record profits.  I bet executives at Shell, Petro Can and Esso are shaking in their Armani suits right now. 

I can tell you the outcome right now and save all the time and expense.  The marketplace, we will be told, is competitive and the prices we pay are a function of supply and demand.  Accusations of collusion and price gouging will be pushed aside and we'll all just have to basically suck it up and dig deeper into our wallets when filling up.

Of course there's no collusion.  How could there be?  The fact that when prices go up across the Greater Toronto Area for example, its merely coincidence that different companies hike their prices by the same amount, on the same day, at the exact same time. 

Our only recourse is the economic principle of elasticity.  What that means is we're going to have to find alternatives to driving, change our habits so that we're driving less, alter vacation plans so that we can afford a meal or two when heading out for a summer break.

I'll reiterate a suggestion I made earlier about causing the gas companies some grief. 

If you're in the process of filling up your car at midnight and let's say the price gets jacked up to $1.50 per litre from $1.38....put your hand up in the air to let passing motorists know that the price at the pumps still hasn't changed, irrespective of the fact that the station has changed the price on their big sign. 

Gas stations first change the big sign to drive away traffic so they can change the actual price on the pumps themselves.  The price on the pump is the price you pay, so if the attendant comes out and says you have to wait until the price is changed, point to the price on the pump and tell them that he/she will have to wait until you're done to change to the higher price.  And while you're pumping put your hand up and maybe a few other cars can make their way in for the cheaper price.

Of course this will cause some grief for the poor gas station attendant, but that's life.  Its not like these guys are making big bucks, even with the Shells and Essos of this world raking in billions they somehow can't afford to pay much more than minimum wage to front line staff who bear the brunt of consumer anger.

I know this is just delaying the inevitable, perhaps by only an hour at most.  And its little more than a pin prick to multi billion dollar international companies.  But even kicking Goliath in the shins brings some satisfaction.   

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An idea for sticking it to the oil companies - No boycotts, just put up your hand

Canadians are getting hosed at the pumps again, just as summer has arrived and we all start thinking about jumping in our cars for a trip to the cottage, trailer or a simple vacation.  Raising prices 10 cents per litre at the pumps means we're handing over an extra $5.00 each time we fill up with 50 litres.  Drivers of mini-vans and SUVs are giving even more to the ESSOs, Shells and PetroCans...all of whom are drowning in record profits.

So what can we do?  We're screwed right?  I mean...we have to drive. 

I used to work at a gas station and I know the procedure when jacking up the price. First you change the big electronic sign.  The price at the actual pumps is still the lower price but the higher posted price on the big sign dries up traffic and then the new price is programmed into the actual pumps once the last car finishes.

You've probably heard the suggestion that everyone boycott one particular brand or another in an effort to effect a price war. Problem is it doesn't work...people collecting Petro points won't stop buying from Petro-Can, likewise with Esso and Esso Points or Shell and Air Miles.  Then there are people who are in the habit of going to the same station every time for reasons of convenience or location. 

Here's something I think might just work.

If you're putting in gas when the price changes, like last night...the station can't actually change the price until the last car is done filling up. Here's what I'm suggesting, when this happens use one hand to pump the gas and put your other hand up in the air...and start waving.

This will serve as a signal to other motorists driving by that while the price on the big sign is high, the price at the pump...the actual price you have to pay, is lower. Last night gas went from about $1.35 to around $1.40 per litre. If you were in the process of putting in gas when the price changed on the big sign it didn't affect the price you were were still paying $1.35 or so. By putting your hand up in the air you would be signalling to other drivers...


If people keep filling up the attendant won't be able to change the matter what the big sign says.  You might be asking..."How can we get enough people to do this"?

Most people know that when an on coming car flashes its lights at you, that the driver is signalling that there's a speed trap up ahead of you.  Not everyone does it but enough people do that its helped me on occasion.

Facebook is a tremendous utility. If you think this is a good idea share it using social media. On your news feed all your friends will see it. If enough of them in turn read and share it as well...I think you get the idea, its the whole '6 degrees of separation' concept.

Conversely you can cut and paste this and email/message it...I don't mind :-) And feel free to make any adjustments you feel are warranted.

Sound Good??? Tell me your thoughts and I'll share mine.

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Liberals still haven't figured out what went wrong...So I'll tell them

Okay Liberal Party of Canada, you obviously haven't figured out where you went off course, why Canadians snubbed you at the ballot box.  Every newspaper I pick up is filled with stories and quotes from Liberal party members and seniors within the party, all grasping at straws trying to identify the mistakes so they won't be repeated.

Of course not everything I read is wrong, you're getting close...but you're not quite there yet.  Allow me to explain it to you simply okay, that way you'll have no excuse when we go to the polls again.

So, how do you like my tone?  The thinly veiled condescension? 

You don't?  Good!!!  Because then you're on the right track.  Nobody likes the smug..."I know best" attitude the Liberal party has come to represent. 

Now let's talk about the private sector, where most Canadians work.  Have you ever worked at a company where the powers that be bring in someone from outside to oversee operations?  You know what that does to morale, no matter how qualified the new guy is.  Usually he has to fire a few people to establish himself, let the minions know who's boss. 

Well...that's pretty much what you did with Michael Ignatieff.  Rather than letting party members elect a leader, you imposed one.  Don't get me wrong, I think you made a wise choice...but its a choice that should have been made by party members, not senior party officials. 

And now I'm reading that some within LPC ranks are pondering doing the same thing again...not very smart guys.

Of course the Conservatives jumped all over Ignatieff's resumé, especially with most of it being from outside the country.  Even Rick Mercer took his shot saying on his blog:

The political landscape has changed, the Liberals are no longer Canada's natural governing party, that's reality and you'd better wake up to it.  If you want Canadians to vote for your candidates, you're going to have to earn that support.  That means firstly treating your own members with respect and obeying your own rules when it comes to selecting your next leader.  

And on a final note...don't expect Canadians to jump right into the sack, no matter how well you choose your next leader.  You're going to have to earn our trust first. 

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Liberals still haven't figured out what went wrong...So I'll tell them

Okay Liberal Party of Canada, you obviously haven't figured out where you went off course, why Canadians snubbed you at the ballot box.  Every newspaper I pick up is filled with stories and quotes from Liberal party members and seniors within the party, all grasping at straws trying to identify the mistakes so they won't be repeated.

Of course not everything I read is wrong, you're getting close...but you're not quite there yet.  Allow me to explain it to you simply okay, that way you'll have no excuses when we go to the polls again.

So, how do you like that tone, the thinly veiled condescension? 

You don't?  Good!!!  Because then you're on your way to understanding.  Nobody likes the smug..."I know best" attitude the Liberal party has come to represent. 

Now let's talk about the private sector, where most Canadians work.  Have you ever worked at a company where the powers that be bring in someone from outside to oversee operations?  You know what that does to morale, no matter how qualified the hire is.  Usually he has to fire a few people to establish himself, let the minions know who's boss. 

Well...that's pretty much what you did with Michael Ignatieff. 

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Hey Liberals, forget the English French English French thing....pick the best leader

Contrary to what some think, I'm not a member of the Liberal party...So card holders take this as the opinion of an interested individual, but not from someone who's spent too much time drinking the kool-ade.

Drop the annoying habit of alternating between francophone and anglophone leaders, just pick the best one and give him or her time to grow into the job.

Lester Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, John Turner, Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Stéphane Dion, Michael Ignatieff....ugh.  English then French, English then French, English then French then English again.  Hell, I could go back to Blake, but who remembers him anyway. 

So now you're supposed to pick a francophone right?  Don't get me wrong, its a neat idea...provided you get the right guy, disaster when you don't. 

You picked John Turner when it should have been Jean Chretien.  Stephane Dion is very intelligent and certainly earnest, but he was a disaster during the election....I won't rub salt in the wounds over the way voters treated Ignatieff.

The Liberal party isn't dead, just wounded.  You guys weren't decimated the way the Tories were after Mulroney, forcing them to eventually merge with Bible thumping Reformers. 

Take your time, respect democracy and your constitution, and get it right this time. 

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Real Estate at the tipping point - More voices predicting major correction

Want to be popular?  The most recently available statistics say 70% of Canadians are owners of real estate, so if you're looking to win friends talk bullish about the housing'll be bull alright, but you'll be loved.

Who wants to hear that their most prized asset is going to drop in value by a quarter?  If your home was recently valued at $400, are you going to feel when someone says it'll only be worth $300,000 in another couple of years.  Not too good I'd bet, and probably angry.  Probably as angry as the guys who bought stocks like WorldCom and Nortel for $100 plus. 

That's the psychology of the market at work, and it doesn't matter whether the market is stocks or real estate.  People like to hear that they're financial dynamos, that they've made all the right moves.  Smart money sellers looking for top dollar need eager buyers, and there's no shortage of industry 'experts' looking to validate even the dumbest decisions.

How could buying real estate be a dumb decision?  Ask the thousands of Canadians who plunged into sub-prime mortgages over the past couple of years.

SUB PRIME?!?!  That was in the U.S. not in good old risk averse Canada!!!

What should we call mortgages amortized over 35 or 40 years requiring no money down?  If that's not sub prime then what is?  Especially when interest rates are the lowest since...uhm, ever.

So who else is chiming in predicting a major correction for most people's most valued asset? 

In today's Globe & Mail economist David Madani is saying that housing prices will decline over 'the next few years'YOU CAN READ IT HERE

How popular is Mr. Madani?  Not very I'm betting.  Mortgage broker Gordon McCallum devotes about 10 paragraphs on his blog, explaining why this economist is (in his heavily biased opinion) out to lunch...Why David Madani is Wrong.

The mortgage broker might be more popular, but I think those who listen to the economist will be richer for it. 

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sun TV ratings tank - Nobody is watching

I used to like the Toronto Sun newspaper, certainly before they were gobbled up by Quebecor and became just another corporate mouthpiece.  Then they got rid of some of their best columnists, guys like Mathew Fisher, Greg Weston and Eric Margolis, 

Nice to see the national viewership of their new TV station couldn't even fill a hockey rink.

Looks good on them.  If heavily slanted news is broadcast but nobody is there to hear it....Does anyone really give a s##t? 

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why would anyone doubt the killing of Osama bin Laden?

So Osama bin Laden  is now officially dead, okay. 

Still there are tons of people out there who doubt the story.  Some think he's still alive and others contend he's been dead for years.  There are plenty of American citizens who doubt what their own government is telling them. 

Who can you blame them?

Oswald's magic bullet, the Gulf of Tonkin, "I am not a crook", babies tossed from incubators, weapons of mass destruction....

There's a very long list of 'disinformation' that's come out of Washington over the years, propaganda designed to push public opinion in one direction or another, and frequently at times of conflict or outright war.  They say the first casualty of war is truth, so I won't cast aspersions on anyone who doesn't lap up whatever kool-ade Washington is dispensing. 

Maybe its true, maybe not.

Of course if it isn't true, if Osama was already dead or if he's still hiding out...Why now?  Good question so here are two quick thoughts.

U.S. president Barack Obama should get a very healthy boost in approval ratings as Americans celebrate the killing of this Orwellian Emanuel Goldstein.  Its hard to see this as doing anything to hurt his chances at re-election next year.  The Republicans are just beginning to ramp up their search for their nominee in 2012.  But is anyone paying attention now?

More compelling though is what this means with regard to U.S. relations with Pakistan.  How effective with Islamabad be at limiting efforts to expand the Afghan war to neighbouring Pakistani territory?  With Pakistan's military and intelligence community being accused of colluding with bin Laden it will be difficult if not impossible for them to resist U.S. overtures for greater freedom in breaching Pakistani sovereignty.

NDP deputy leader Thomas Mulcair quickly clarified his thoughts on the matter, after leaving the impression he doubted the story.  Even if he is convinced bin Laden was killed, there are plenty of other people out there who have their doubts, and they're not all wearing tin foil.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Christian right will find out soon- What a friend they have in Harper - Can PM keep abortion off the agenda

Stephen Harper finally has his majority, the third time was the charm.  Canadians, while perhaps not warming to the Conservative leader, did trust him sufficiently to let him rule without the burden of the leash that is a minority government. 

But in appealing to a broader base of Canadian voters does Stephen Harper risk alienating his Christian right base.  While everyone is dissecting the results: the demolition of the Bloc, the implosion of the Liberals and the explosion of the NDP....the Christian right is likely wondering when and if issues near and dear to their constituency will be addressed. 

Of course I'm talking about things like same sex marriage and the elephant in the room, abortion. 

It was issues such as those which gave birth to Preston Manning's Reform movement, and propelled the prairie populist pastor all the way to being leader of her majesty's official opposition. 

We all know that Stephen Harper has completely repudiated any notion that a government led by him will re-open the abortion debate. Which is exactly as it should be in my opinion, the issue is just too contentious and poll after poll suggests that Canadians are decidedly pro-choice on the issue.

But those who voted for Mr. Harper are probably hoping otherwise.  Charles McVety is likely a name known by just about every politically engaged evangelical Christian.  He's the president of Canada Christian College and frequently comments on issues of importance to fundamentalist Christian voters.  In a recent interview with the Globe & Mail during the election campaign he said of the abortion issue:

Perhaps by nudging the issue into public debate it will soften the ground to allow for some discussion and allow Stephen Harper to keep his base of support happy and on side.  Already there's a story on CTV's website:  Tory backers push for 'truly conservative' government, it talks of core Conservative supporters looking to push the issue.

The alternative for the Conservatives is the risk of another Reform type movement splitting the right.  

In the end it might be a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.  Leave abortion alone and Harper runs the risk of his base abandoning him, open the issue and he'll lose the support of moderate Canadians who finally put him over the top. 

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tired of politics Canadians let Harper off the leash...

Stephen Harper wanted a majority.  Canadians wanted a break from politics.  Last night both got their wish.  I won't rehash the results or gloat over my prediction of a Conservative majority with 162 seats...I got lucky. 

Its time now to sit back and let Stephen Harper and his Conservative party run the country, unfettered by an opposition that can topple him at any time.  Some might complain that with about 60% of the country voting against him, that he shouldn't have a majority...tough cookies.  Chrétien's Liberals won 3 consecutive majorities with less than 50% of the popular vote, 40% in a 5 party system is pretty impressive.

So what now?  Time to sit back and stop the sniping.  The Liberals can try to rebuild.  The NDP will have time to learn on the job, something that will be essential with so many rookie MPs. 

As for Stephen Harper and the my books the biggest challenge will be keeping his promise to balance the books by the time we head to the polls again.  Of course there are a bevy of social Conservative supporters who are going to be hoping for action on things like same sex marriage and abortion. 

Our Prime Minister still has a tough balancing act, keeping the base happy while not alienating the majority, socially progressive Canadians.

I wish him luck and I mean that sincerely.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Calls saying polling stations moved reeks of Conservative dirty tricks

This is reminding me of Florida back in 2000, sadly this type of behaviour has moved north to Canada along with the negative political ads and smears. 

Its being reported that some voters have been called and told that their polling stations have moved, in some cases an  hour or more away.  THIS ARTICLE talks of a Liberal candidate in Manitoba whose office has received several calls from voters asking if in fact their polling stations have changed to a new location.  Elections Canada is reported as saying that all voting locations remain as they have been, and that no changes have taken place. 

This is what happens when ideologues get involved with politics.  Unable to accept the possibility of defeat they circumvent both the law and the principles of integrity and fairness because...well, they're on a crusade.  Their candidate or party just has to win because if they don't it will cause disaster.

I know Conservatives will deny any involvement, and I actually don't think they're behind it officially, unlike the 'In and Out' campaign finance fraud.  But given the win at all costs attitude of Stephen Harper and his supporters my own opinion is that it is undoubtedly supporters of the current Prime Minister. 

Its democracy folks, if Harper wins a majority those of us who voted otherwise will just have to suck it up.  But if Harper`s candidates take less than 154 of the seats in the House, then Tories will have to accept it. 

Its called democracy.

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Stephen Harper tweets that a coalition government would be legitimate

Democracy is all about choices, deciding which individuals and which parties we want to represent us in government.  There has been some concern that Stephen Harper might not accept the rules of our democracy if he were to be leading a minority government that again quickly loses the confidence of the House of Commons. 

Well, based on the Prime Minister's twitter account, (#pmharper) we needn't be concerned.  The tweet made yesterday put the issue to rest.

"Canada’s Choice: Stable national majority Conservative govt OR unstable coalition of Ignatieff-NDP-Bloc"

The tweet contains a link to the Conservative Party's website and a press release that says in part:

Now, obviously Mr. Harper thinks that a Conservative majority  preferable, that's politics.  Leaders always say that their platform is better and that if their opponents win it will be bad for the country.

But the ultimate decision rests with the electorate and its gratifying to see that Stephen Harper acknowledges that it is in fact our (the voters) collective choice.  Its probably a moot point given that I think a Harper majority is what we'll be facing Monday evening.  But if the opposition parties do manage to pull a rabbit out of the hat its nice to know that Stephen Harper recognizes the rules our our democracy and will accede if Canadian voters opt for the coalition. 

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Its going to be a Harper Majority

The polls open in less than 24 hours, so its time for a prediction...and sorry to say it looks to me like a Harper majority.  Based on the polls, especially those relating to the province of Ontario, I see Harper's Conservatives garnering somewhere around 160 seats nationally.

Obviously my guess is not worth much, my projection and a TTC token will get you a subway ride to downtown Toronto.  But I'll explain my rationale none the less.

The bottom line is that its going to all come down to the province of Ontario, and in my home province I see the Tories making big gains due to vote splitting between the NDP and Liberals, allowing Conservative candidates to split up the middle. 

If there's a wild card I see it resting with the number of ballots cast.  If the turnout is as abysmal as it was in 2008 it favours the Conservatives.  Conversely if turnout is a robust 70% or more, then I see that hurting the chances of Harper winning his majority.  But I'm not optimistic about heavy voter turn out, because there's no reason to be.

Jack Layton has been the star of this election, while Michael Ignatieff's energetic and earnest efforts failed to connect.  Even with Layton's performance, I don't see either leader inspiring casual followers of the campaign to get off the couch tomorrow and head to the polls.

So here are the numbers I'm predicting, and if I end up being 100% correct I'll fall off my chair.  We'll see if I'm close:

Cons 162
NDP  79
Libs    48 
Bloc   19

Sorry Liz, my call...close but no cookie.

I do hope I'm wrong, especially now that PMHarper just tweeted yesterday that a coalition government is a legitimate option.  I'll write more on that later today. 

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