Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hey Ezra...Go after NCC donor disclosure next okay?

Conservative commentator Ezra Levant has his shorts all in a knot because a lobby group called Environmental Defence is targetting Environment Minister Peter Kent.

Read his whining hissy fit HERE: Foreign billionaires campaigning in Canada

Ezra practically diapers himself in the Maple Leaf and spews outrage at this lobby group taking U.S. donations.

Oh the horror, its not U.S. style politics, it IS U.S. politics he laments.

Cry me a river baby. Stephen Harper worships at the altar of everything American and adores the hardball tactics of Republican Theo Thugs. Harper is on record equating our Parliament to nothing more than a hoser version of the U.S. Electoral College.

But back to non registered lobbyists, Stephen Harper has had plenty of help from his own lobby group, the National Citizens Coalition. They don't lobby the government directly, no...the NCC spends buckets of money trying to influence the voting habits of Canadians.

Who funds them?

I'd love to know but apparently that information is closely guarded as "a matter of principle". Hmmmmm, I wonder if any comes from Mr. Harper's American friends, and how much?

My guess is third party lobbying is okay fine with Mr. Levant, but only so long as it is in support of a Conservative agenda.

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