Thursday, December 2, 2021

86 Stillbirths in Waterloo Region over a time frame that should only have seen about 12

Chatham Kent MPP Rick Nicholls recently asked Ontario's Health Minister Christine Elliot what testing was done to ensure the safety of pregnant women and their unborn children who've been vaccinated with the Covid-19 shots.  

He cited statistics showing that the Waterloo Region had reported 86 stillbirths from January to July of this year, compared to normal rates of just one or two per month seen in previous years.  One key difference between 2021 and previous years of course is that all the stillbirths were experienced by women who've gotten the Covid injections, injections that weren't available in previous years. 

The health minister didn't even acknowledge the facts being presented.  As is so often the case Minister Elliot dodged the question and went straight to her talking points, citing the familiar lines about extensive testing and safety we've all heard before. She might as well have just read the marketing material provided by a Pfizer salesperson.  

You can view the exchange here from the Twitter account of an outfit called 'The People's Media'.

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