Sunday, October 25, 2020

Large Danish trial could put an end to the masking debate...

A large randomized control trial could finally put an end to the whole masking debate.  Three Danish hospitals as well as the Technical University of Denmark have conducted what may very well be the largest ever clinical trial looking into the efficacy of community masking on reducing rates of viral infection.  It's certainly the largest such trial in the Covid era.

6,000 participants were randomized into a masked and a control group, 3,000 participants in each.  All were tested and determined to be Covid free at the start of the trial.  The study was completed back on June 2nd, now we're simply waiting on the results to be published.  

Public health officials have had a dearth of information on which to base policy decisions.  Canada's own McMaster University conducted a review of over 100 years of research into masking and the most that they could conclude is that community masking might provide a small benefit, maybe.  As published in the Annals of Internal Medicine here is their conclusion.  

No direct evidence indicates that public mask wearing protects either the wearer or others. Given the severity of this pandemic and the difficulty of control, we suggest that the possible benefit of a modest reduction in transmission likely outweighs the possibility of harm

This Danish study could finally provide a large dose of definitive proof about the value of community masking mandates, after all Randomized Control Trials are considered the gold standard of science.  If the results show that the unmasked arm had a statistically significant higher rate of infection, then in my opinion we should be all in on community masking mandates and the anti-masking horde should suck it up and shut up.  

If the results show similar rates of infection in both arms, then we're basically status quo with evidence pointing to a possible small benefit.  In that case I would expect the anti-masking crowd to continue their complaining and protesting.

There is potential for controversy however if the results show that the masked arm experienced higher rates of SAR-Cov-2 infection than the unmasked arm in a statistically significant way.  Not only would this put winds in the sails of the anti-mask protesters, it could also serve further erode public confidence in public health officials.  

Science should never be controversial, it is what it is.  But sadly, with this pandemic the science has become increasingly political.  Educated people know that science is a process, it doesn't stop when a politically desired result is indicated.  

I know many people who think they're certified epidemiologists with their internet and youtube degrees.  And I don't doubt that if this study does in fact show that masking increases the risk of viral infection, that some dim bulbs will dismiss the results out of hand because it doesn't affirm their predetermined conclusions. Confirmation bias is rampant in today's world and everyone is guilty of it to one degree or another.

My bias leans toward community masking being ineffective and potentially increasing infection rates, but if this study shows a benefit to masking I will keep my ego in check and acknowledge what the highest level of science has to say.  

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