Thursday, November 4, 2021

Lions Gathering in Kingston Ontario at Jakk Tuesdays Pub...

By-law officials and other associated jack booted types are going all in with their efforts to have Kelly Hale violate both Canadian and Ontario law.  They want Jakk Tuesdays, a west end Kingston Pub on Progress Avenue, to require patrons to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination in order to patraonize the establishment.  

But Kelly is refusing to back down.  

Not only does this violate Ontario Human Rights legislation, it goes against Privacy Laws to say nothing of the Constitution, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Canada's Bill of Rights.  Many people don't care that Canada's very foundation, that this country is established on principles that recognize the rule of law, is being systematically dismantled.   

Many don't care, but some do.  

Kelly Hale is a Christian, and he is well aware of another founding principle enshrined into the preamble of our constitution.  And that is that Canada recognizes the Suprmacy of God.  This is central and absolutely essential to a free and democratic society.  Without a Supreme God the rule of law becomes meaningless.  Rather than laws based on fixed and inalienable rights, rules are handed down by dictate and can be changed on a whim.

Which is what we are now living....

Thankfully there are lions standing strong, in Kingston that includes not just Kelly Hale but his customers as well.  Lions are coming out in support and rebuking the fear messaging and propaganda that has robbed so many of their ability to think straight.  

I'm not going to waste any effort in trying to open the eyes of the blind.  Blind to the fact that none of this has ever been about public health.  Propaganda is nothing new, and the reason it is used is because it works.  Whatever the nightly newscast says is reality for most of the population.  When people are inundated with programming based on fear, trying to take away that fear is like trying to take away a two year old's security blanket.  Good luck.

The lions will be at Jakk Tuesdays today when they open for business at 11AM.  For Christians there is another Lion that will be by their side, The Lion of Judah.  


Jewels said...

Powerful and oh so true! The Lord goes before Kelly! If God is for him, who can be against him?? Praying in Jesus name for Kelly and his crew to keep standing for Gods truth and righteousness!

Jewels said...

The Lord goes before you Kelly and crew, and if God be for you, who can be against you?
Keep standing up for God’s truth and righteousness. You are on the right side of this! The Lord will continue to hold you up and He will keep you my friend and brother in Jesus Christ!