Pastor Henry Hildebrandt of Aylmer's Church of God Restoration in Aylmer Ontario is a friend of mine. I have no hesitation in making that assertion. On the Friday prior to Canadian Thanksgiving I attended a worship meeting in Aylmer and listened to the preaching of Ray Tinsman, a church leader who had come up from Ohio.
When I was introduced to Brother Ray after the meeting, Henry told him "This is a friend of mine". It was an honour for me to be described in such terms by Henry and it took me back. The only thing I could think to say at the time was: "Pastor Henry is everybody's friend". I meant that, but in retrospect it didn't convey the esteem in which I hold this man.
I have now gathered with the congregation of Henry's church six times. Four times in Aylmer itself, once when they brought the service to Oshawa, and just recently at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto. Every trip has been worth it. It is food for the soul to be around so many loving and caring people, to listen to a preacher with a passion for The Gospel. A passion that is shared by the congregation.
That passion can come across as anger, but it is righteous anger. Canadians and people all over the world are being lied to. That in of itself is not really anything new, we've been lied to for generations. But the lies of the past year and a half are so broad and wide, they're affecting everyone in Canada and most of the world's population. It's unprecedented in scope and is nothing like anything experienced in anyone's lifetime.
I recognize that many, (probably most) of my readers do not share my Christian faith. And there are people who are taken aback by Henry's style. Many express this view that he is too angry. He is not the kind of preacher most are accustomed to, and that includes me, the author of this pathetic and miserable little blog. There is a commonly held view by many, both Christians and Non-Christians alike, that a Pastor should be meek and gentle. That is in stark contrast to Pastor Henry's often confrontational tone when preaching.
Well my friends, I'm going to tell you something.
Don't misconstrue this and think that I am likening my friend to Jesus Christ, I am not. But the simple fact of the matter is that two thousand years ago, when our Saviour showed up, many people back then didn't like His style either. The Jewish people were desperately seeking a Messiah, but very few liked this son of a carpenter from the backwater town of Nazareth. And I know that Henry, from the backwater small Ontario town of Aylmer, there are many who don't like him either.
There's an old joke about the difference between a friend and a true friend. It is said that a friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body. While there's humour in that joke, it's not true.
A true friend will tell you truths you don't want to hear. That's the kind of friend Henry is, and he has an annointing that compels him to share that harsh truth. That is why I call him Canada's pastor. Henry is pointing out that Canadians are being lied to, that they're being duped and fooled. That is harsh, but it is the truth, it is not a lie.
Chrstians should know who the father of all lies is. If you don't pick up your Bible and read John 8:44.
Nobody likes to be told they've been taken in by a lie,. Who wants to hear that they're being fooled, tricked and duped? People want justification for the fact that they turned a blind eye to their brothers and sisters who have lost businesses, jobs, homes and life savings due to the forced closures of many small businesses. All this while the Costcos and Amazons were recording record breaking profits. How do you countenance ignoring that abused children were forced to shelter in place with abusive parents, all while liquor stores and weed dispeneries were declared essential?
How can anyone with an ounce of common sense see any logic in declaring the tobacco industry essential while forcing gyms and fitness centres to close? You can't, not if you're supposed to be doing everything possible to protect human health.
How does one countenance it? By accepting the lie that there is a pandemic going on that justifies these atrocities as being the lesser evil. I don't like to use profanity, but having just retired from the Canadian Armed Forces in June of this year I'm not unfamiliar with cuss words and sometimes they are the most fitting way to express something, and this is one of those times. This pandemic is pure, grade A, one hundred percent, unadulterated Bull Shit!!!
Canadians and people all over this world have been subjected to a full scale psy-op since March of 2020, and there is no end is sight. Propaganda has been disemminated on a scale nobody has ever seen. This is global. The simple fact is that, if you shut off the media, the pandemic vanishes. This is not and never has been a global or even national health emergency. If you believe that, then you believe in a lie, and I know that people will defend a lie like a treasured and precious possession.
In a real pandemic the media wouldn't even be needed because everyone would know of young healthy people getting seriously ill and dying. I'm not talking about people living out their final days in a nursing home type situation where most can't perform simple tasks like getting dressed or bathing. I'm talking about people who are younger and otherwise in generally good or even excellent health.
Ask yourself, who do you know directly who has gotten seriously ill? Not someone you heard about, not a co-worker who told you they have a cousin who's uncle....and so on. It's human nature for people to want to inject themselves into a narrative, to be able to lend credibility to things.
When this insanity started a high school classmate of mine came down with Covid, mutual classmates were sharing the story all over Facebook: "Deb has Covid and she's fighting for her life, we have to take this seriously, it's life and death"!!! I saw messages and comments like that all over my social media feed. A few weeks later I got in touch with "Deb", and I wanted to see if she was okay.
I'd imagined her in an ICU bed or at least receiving care in hospital. As it turned out she had isolated herself in a motel room north of Toronto. Yes she had gotten sick, but "fighting for her life" was more than a slight exaggeration. She'd caught it in the LTC facility she worked in and didn't want to bring it home to her family. She got better, the same as a brother in law of mine. Those are the only two cases I have direct first hand knowledge of. I don't count people who've tested positive but who never got sick, by that measure I probably would know dozens of people every flu season who are "cases".
And my experience is the shared experience of EVERYONE I have spoken to over the past year and a half. Yes, people love to tell me things like: "I heard about a guy who was put on a manager's sister's husband", but it has never been based on any direct knowledge....just the grape vine.
I myself should have gotten this bug at some point, and it's entirely possible I've had it I guess. If I have I'm one of those many people who never knew it becaue it didn't make me sick. I've done more than just gather with Henry's church, I've been all over. I've gone to services in Waterloo, Peterborough and Napanee, other congregations where masking and distancing are acknowledged as the lies they truly are. I only wear a mask when absolutely required, have not touched that gross hand sanitizer in months, and I wash my hands no more than I did in 2019 and years prior.
The pandemic is a lie, that lockdowns were needed, was another lie. Masking to mitigate the spread of a virus? A LIE! This has been one lie used to justifiy each subsequent lie. And now the lie is that everyone must roll up their sleeves for an injection, including children at zero risk. Take away the pandemic and there's no need to lockdown, no need for dehumanizing masks, and no need for mass forced vaccinations, and that is what they are, totally forced.
Telling people to choose between complying or feeding their families is force of the worst and most fascist kind.
This country was founded on Biblical truth. If you don't believe that read the preamble to Canada's Constitution. If that's not enough go to Parliament Hill in Ottawa and read what is etched into the stones at the base of Parliament's Peace Tower. If that still isn't enough then check out verse 8 of the 72nd Psalm which is quoted in Latin on Canada's Coat of Arms. .
Pastor Hildebrandt knows these things, and that is why he is Canada's pastor. Henry is standing up for God''s truth in these troubled times and it's a message that needs to spread far and wide. Most won't want to hear it, that's has always been the way, but there are still people who thirst and hunger for God's word, especially now. God doesn't need the biggest army, He just needs people of faith and those willing to stand up and lead.
The Bible has many accounts of the blind having their sight restored. Blindness isn't just about the ability to see things in the physical world. Blindness can include being unable to see the truth. If your eyes have been opened to the truth, whether just recently or for a long time now, then there are places where you can go where the truth isn't shouted down, ridiculed and crucified. And one of those places is Aylmer Ontario.
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