Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Messenger RNA and children? Think long and hard because there's no "UN"injecting

It's already started in the United States, and Canada won't be far behind.  Five to eleven year olds in this country will soon be eligible to roll up their sleeves for a shot that will send instructions into their little bodies telling which proteins to recruit and how to build the infamous SARS-Cov-2 spike protein.  

These are the same shots that have caused hundreds of cases of heart damage, (myocarditis and pericarditis) across Canada, maybe even thousands.  In Ontario alone over 200 cases were identified up through this past September, with over half being in people under the age of 25  The numbers tilted particularily toward the younger male population, but not exclusively.  

There are many risks that come with these shots, all said to be very rare.  Beyond the scary prospect of damaging the heart there are several others including severe allergic reactions and conditions like Bell's Palsy.  When the shots first started rolling out there was nothing said about any risks of heart damage, that only came to light after people started rolling up their sleeves.

I should note that I consider the authorization for injecting young children to be a done deal.  While Dr. Tam was recently quoted as saying a decision is imminent, (weeks not months) as to whether or not an approval is given, in my opinion the decision has already been made.  The delay is simply to give the impression of careful deliberation.  I will eat my cowboy hat if they're not authorized for kiddies.

At the end of the day many will do a risk reward calculation. The innoculations are said to provide some protection against infection, and in the cases of breakthrough infections the shots are said to lessen the severity of disease.  Heretofore those under twelve have not been eligible and it remains to be seen if other risk factors will be identifed once massive dosing starts in young kids.

So far in Canada there have been 17 deaths reported in those nineteen and under dying "with" covid.  I stress the word "with" because every report I have seen about younger people dying has reported the victims as suffering from serious underlying health conditions.  The youngest death recorded was said to be an infant in BC, and that covid was "a" factor....but no details were given on the other condition or conditions that played a role for some reason.  It seems medical information is only private now when it doesn't involve Covid for some reason.  

In Alberta the youngest death was for a time attributed to a 14 year old.  But Dr. Deena Hinshaw was forced to apologize after it was revealed that the cause of death was stage four inoperable brain cancer and not covid.  The fact that a child receiving end of life palliative care was subjected to a PCR test two days before passing is beyond criminal.  And it speaks to the fact that Covid has long ceased to be just a health issue, it has now been thoroughly politicized and that is disgusting.  If it wasn't for the young man's sisters going public I have zero doubt they'd still be calling it a covid death.  

Bottom line, parents of younger healthy children need to think long and hard about this decision.  

And they need to consult with all opinions, including those of Doctors who have been silenced and censored.  One specific example I will give is Dr. Francis Christian, a teaching surgeon and the editor of a medical journal in Saskatchewan.  At least he was until his liscence was suspended for daring to suggest that the risks to younger healthy people might just be greater from the injections than from Covid itself.  There are over 200 people in Ontario, at least some of whom might have appreciated if this eminently qualified Doctor had been given a proper platform to express his expert medical opinion.

And if ultimately you do decide to decline the shots and are asked about it, try to refrain from saying:  "I did my research" or anything else which causes the brainless unthinking mob to fit you for a tinfoil hat.  Instead simply say you've sought out expert medical advice....not this blog or any other internet based information.  

Check out:

  • Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former VP at Pfizer and one of their Chief Science Officers.
  • Dr. Robert Malone, Harvard educated and cited by Google as an Inventor of mRNA vaccines
  • Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Prize winner for isolating HIV the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Dr. Byram Bridle, chosen by the Ontario government to investigate 4 vaccines under development in May of 2020 due to his reputation as one of Canada's leading vaccinology experts.
  • Dr. Francis Christian as already mentioned in this post.
  • Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche who's held senior roles in vaccine development with Pharma Giants GSK and Novartis and leading positions with GAVI and the Gates foundation. 
I could go on forever, there are quite literally hundreds and probably thousands.  Many have videos out on sites like Rumble and Bitchute to combat the censorship and deplatforming they're all being subject to.  

It's no different from the experts who said Iraq did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction....those experts were right but they weren't allowed to speak to a large audience because there was a political agenda at work that had nothing to do with global peace and security. 

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