Saturday, November 27, 2021

What are the vaccines "highly effective" at doing? They don't work against the virus...

If you want to call me an anti-vaxxer that's okay.  

In today's world anyone who refuses to take a Covid-19 injection which has proven to be highly ineffective and potentially dangerous is labelled an "anti-vaxxer" even if they've had every other vaccine ever made.  It's akin to referring to someone refusing highly addictive and dangerous Oxycontin as being anti-pain meds.  But the "safe and effective" messaging has been driven deeply  into so many people's subconcious minds by media that no amount or logic or reason will dislodge it.  

For those who take exception to me characterizing these shots as being highly ineffective I'll ask a couple very simple questions to prove my point.  

-Name one other vaccine that requires boosters after just a few months due to waning efficacy.  

-Name another vaccine where hundreds of supposedly fully vaccinated people come down with the very disease they were supposed to be immunized against every week in a province like Ontario.  

You don't need a Harvard medical degree to realize these shots are anything but effective.  You just need a functioning brain and a modicum of common sense, both of which seem to be severely lacking in today's world.

I realize that I'm being harsh, but reality isn't always kind.  Over eighty percent of the eligible Canadian population is reported to have rolled up their sleeves, and nobody likes to admit making a bad decision.  Confirmation bias is something everyone suffers from.  

Take the example of someone who buys a new car but unfortunately picks a lemon like the old Ford Pinto from back in the 1970s.  There were over 3 million Pintos produced and sold over a three year period.  Someone driving around in one was bound to see others who made the same bad choice.  "Three million people can't all have been wrong" would be the rationlization of many.

Perhaps a better example would be the shity 8-Track players that everyone had back in the sixties and seventies.  If you didn't have one you were behind the times, 8-Tracks were cutting edge technology in the minds of many consumers until older and more reliable cassettes took over before the advent of CDs.  

In short being in step with what everyone is doing is not always a good thing.  And besides that, nobody was ever forced to buy a Ford Pinto or an 8-Track player in order to work or to take the kids to hockey practise.  A lot of people aren't taking these injections because they're worried about Covid or anything else.  Many are only taking them because they're being coerced, the same way Jews were made to get on cattle cars.  

And even worse than the proven fact that the shots are ineffective is the potentia for harm.  The same liars who call the shots effective say that severe adverse events are rare.  Even if that is true harm is harm.  Try telling the over 500 people in Ontario who've suffered heart damage that it's rare, statistics don't count for much when it's you or a loved one suffering.  

I'm not making that number up, it was publihsed by Public Health Ontario and almost completely ignored by our corporate mainstream media.  The same media that takes in huge sums of money from the pharmaceutical industry for advertising.  Conflict of interest?  

Here's the report detailing 537 reported cases of myocarditis and periocarditis in Ontario following receipt of an mRNA vaccine:

And that's just the indentified cases.  Everyone who has taken a First-Aid course knows that many people suffering cardiac issues don't seek treatment:  "It's nothing" is a common refrain even when someone is suffering a heart attack.  I believe it is entirely possible that there could be thousands of people who've suffered heart damage who haven't been checked out.  

But regardless of these easily verifiable facts the vaccines are still touted as being "highly effective".  And now we have a new variant which we're told will make the jabs even less effective than they already are.  So the question begs....What exactly are these innoculations highly effective at doing?  

They're not going to bring an end to emergency measures, that is absolutely certain, so there must be another goal.  

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