Messaging from government and health officials during this pandemic has been absolutely horrible, of that there can be little doubt.
Right from the start we had Canada's chief medical officer assuring Canadians that there was no need for people returning from places like Wuhan District China to be quarantied. That the risk of human to human transmission was so incredibly low that it didn't warrant the potential stigma that these individuals might suffer.
When lockdown measures were later introduced we were told to stay inside as much as possible, to only go out when absolutely necessary and then to head back home and shelter in place. Some of the advice hasn't changed, its the same things we hear every flu season: Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, cough/sneeze into your elbow or sleeve, if you're feeling sick stay home.
The advice is always given with confidence and authority, sermonizing from the sacred book of infallible science. And of course the same was true when we were told that masks weren't needed unless you were a front line medical worker. That masks did little or nothing to stop viral spread or provide protection....that wearing a mask could actually increase the risk of the wearer contracting the virus.
Now like so many of the other directives, the advice has changed yet again for masks. Now we're being told that masks may be somewhat effective in preventing viral spread...indoors....if phsyical distancing isn't possible, but don't wear one if you have a condition like asthma. Ugh.....
I feel like I'm almost a qualified medical expert now, (I'm not) because I havent the foggiest notion about the effectiveness of masks. But I can sound confident and authoritative even if I'm talking out of my nether regions, which is what it seems our medical officers are doing a lot of the time.
The reason we were told that masks could increase the risk of the wearer contracting the virus is because most people are not trained in how to properly use PPE. Its possible that the material on the outside of the mask could become contaminated with droplets. And if that outside of the mask is contaminated and is touched....then all it takes is an inadvertent brush or wipe of the eyes/nose/mouth and bingo presto, you could have Covid-19.
Have you seen a mask lying on the ground somewhere? I have, in a grocery store parking lot and on a walk through Presquil Provincial Park on the Victoria Day weekend. You've probably seen social media posts with pictures of discarded masks and gloves. The people tossing them on the ground may not be be ignorant, they could very well be afraid that the mask/gloves are contaminated with the virus and they have to get rid of them.
I haven't yet worn a cloth mask , so some will probably think I'm a monster. But I have read that people are prone to adjusting them frequently, that they cause glasses to fog up, that they can make breathing difficult. Obviously all those activities are problematic unless you're also wearing gloves, which also could become contaminated with the virus.
I'm a straighforward kind of guy, the type who tells you what I'm thinking without worrying about how it makes me look. If people think I'm a jerk, I really don't care. I do care deeply about people, especially those on the margins, but I'm not going to go out of my way to try and appear all virtuous, that stuff makes me puke.
And one thing that really annoys the heck out of me is all the stupid memes that basically say:
"Look at me, I'm wearing a mask because I care about other people, you see its like peeing in your jeans...blah blah blah".
The inference is that anyone who doesn't wear a mask, that they must be selfish with no regard for other human beings. I have two words to say to that, I won't give you the first word but the second one is 'off'.
One question I am constantly weighing is do I want to get this virus or not. Its a legitimate question and one that I imagine a lot of people are asking. I'm 53, been smoking since I was 12 and have a smokers cough. Other than that I'm a pretty healthy guy, I play tennis and basketball still....although not lately, and I walk at least 2 or 3 km each day thanks to the dog. Today it was closer to 8 or 9 km.
I rarely get sick, the last time was Februrary 2012 when I got hit by the flu. It knocked me on my ass the first day, by the second I was on the mend, and on the third day I went back to work. So how great is my risk of Covid-19 being serious or fatal? Obviously I don't know, I don't think anyone does...but I can guess. Of Canada's current 33 odd thousand identified cases only 502 are listed as either critical or serious, that's just 1.5%. So if I have to guess I think the chances are pretty good that I'd fall into the 98.5% for whom Covid isn't serious. Who knows, maybe I've already had it and didn't know it? Maybe I have it right now?
But if I had a choice of whether to get infected or not, like everyone I'd rather not. But how much am I willing to do to ensure I don't get it? Am I going to go out wearing a hazmat suit every time I leave the house? While that would go a long way to ensuring I don't get infected that's obviously a bit much. And while comparing a mask to a hazmat suit is more than a little ridiculous, wearing a mask could actually increase my risk of getting infected.
I've already made up my mind not to wear one unless its required. I'm still working, and I do all the grocery shopping for the household, so I'm already putting myself at some degree of risk. When I go grocery shopping and to the pharmacy I keep my distance, when picking up take out I make sure there's nobody waiting inside already.
If I go to a store that is requiring masks and selling them, if I absolutely have to go in I'll buy one, and then carefully remove and dispose of it as soon as I get outside....but I'll try to avoid stores that require them. Those who are all in on masks can frequent those stores that mandate their use.
Sorry for the rambling post, if anyone made it to the end thanks for reading and I'll have more to say later I'm sure.
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