Discerning trends and making forecasts on limited data is not always the best recipe for making accurate forecasts, just look at pollsters. They take small snapshots of voter intentions based on some simple questions and then use the data to try and predict the results.
As we've seen in Alberta and more recently in Québec, the results don't always line up with the data. If it did we would have a Wildrose government in Alberta, and the PQ with either a majority or a very strong minority in Quebec.
Recent results, (not polls) from the bi-elections in Ontario and the provincial election in Quebec could easily lead one to surmise that the Canadian left is not only alive and well, but perhaps even on the rise.
Quebec voters opted for the left wing PQ (albeit with a bare minority), and Kitchener Waterloo just elected an NDP member to Queen's Park despite its reputation as a Conservative stronghold.
Are Canadians beginning to realize that the trickle down, supply side economic model espoused by the right is really just hammering the bejeebers out of wage earners? Will our union movement, so long in decline, start to gain favour as people start to realize that when union membership grows so does the backbone of our economy, the middle class?
Too early to tell, but one can certainly hope.
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