Sunday, December 19, 2021

Covid is about to become very real, the vaccines not only failed but have made things worse expert says...

This is our ticket back to normal.  

Everyone remembers the messaging of government health officials, politicians and media.  Once we got to 70-80% of the eligible population vaccinated the pandemic would be ending.  We all understood the concept, with most of the population immune to Covid the virus would not be able to find enough susceptible hosts to infect and would eventually peter out to background noise.  It might even disappear completely.  

That was before Omicron emerged, this new highly transmissible variant that is defeating vaccine induced immunity.  Now in Ontario it is the vaccinated who are reponsible for about two thirds of the daily infections being reported.  Out of a total of 3,301 infections reported for Saturday 2,338 of the cases were in people thought to have been fully vaccinated, that's 70%.  

Please take note, I'm using the old pre-covid defintion of vaccination.  Vaccines used to mean something that produced immunity.  Now of course we're told that vaccines aren't supposed to vaccinate, that they're only supposed to reduce symptoms and make diseases less severe.  

So basically these vaccines should more accurately be defined as therapeutics.  But it would be difficult to label people "anti-therapeuticers".  That doesn't have the same sting as "anti-vaxxer", a slur that's been around for a few decades and congers up notions of someone opposed to science. 

Covid is a health issue, but the science has become inseparable from the politics.  It is now mostly a political issue, not a scientific one.  Scientifically the vaccines failed, but in politics admitting failure is verboten, so nobody is going to admit that simple and obvious reality.  These are the non-vaccinating vaccinations, the immunizations that don't immunize.  

Public Heatlh officials have lost the room

Early on there was wide spread buy in to the emergency health measures, most of the population in countries like Canada were on board.  Not everyone, but likely over 80%.  Those worried about the damage of forcing some people into poverty, of having the abused shelter in place with their abusers, of the toll on mental health and all the other damage being done were in the minority, they were yahoos and Covidiots.  

Now after nearly two years the ranks of the covidiots have swelled, a lot more people are fed up and are done with it.  No more destroying the lives of children and damaging their mental health, no more keeping families apart.  We were promised a return to normal and that's what we want.  

If the vaccines failed, meh.  So what?  Much of the populaiton only took the needles to get back to the way things used to be, not because they were afraid of covid.  

And besides, this Omicron variant is being likened to the common cold, people are describing it as the sniffles.  It's the Christmas holiday season, and after many avoided gathering with friends and family last year, a lot of people aren't willing to give up another one.  Around 300,000 people die in Canada every year, (with or without Covid) and that means that for 300,000 Canadians this will be their last Christmas on earth.  It's the last chance to get together with "dear old unlce Joe".   

Omincron Schromnicron.....many are going to ignore the advice and mandates and people are going to gather.  

But what if public health officials are right?  Yes, currently and according to all the experts and all the reporting this Omicron variant is very mild.  But the concern is that, as it's passed around...that it will become more virulent, more severe, and more deadly.  The problem is though, as noted....public health officials and the media have spent so much time driving fear, that a lot of people are tuning them out now.  The authorities are seen as chicken littles, as the boy who kept crying wolf.

The expert who predicted a variant like Omicron has a warning

While public health officials were saying that mass vaccination was our ticket back to normal, one of the world's leading experts on vaccines was warning about exactly what is now happening.  In a letter to the WHO this virologist and vaccinoligist who held senior roles in vaccine development with GSK and Novartis said that the mass vaccination would invite mutations that would lead to a variant that would defeat any vaccine induced immunity.  

Which is of course exactly what has happened, the variant that was named Omicron was predicted.  This gentleman is not an "anti-vaxxer" obviously. On top of his senior roles with GSK and Novartis he's also held leadership roles with The Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) and with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Calling him an anti-vaxxer would be like calling Henry Ford anti-automobile.

Now he's not disagreeing with public health officials about what is coming, now he's pretty much in lockstep with them, differing only on what casued it.  He is saying that as this vaccine resistant variant gets passed around that there will be more mutations and newer variants that will emerge, variants that will lead to more severe illness and more deaths.  

Unlike public health officials he speaks glowingly about natural or innate immunity, describing the human immune system as incredibly strong and robust most of the time.  And he futher contends that the vaccines will have supressed the natural immune response, leaving those who've been vaccinated as more prone to serious covid and not less.

Earlier publications and videos he's done have been heavily censored and labelled as misinformation, or simply as outright false.  But as so often happens, the fact checkers have been proven wrong again, if not there wouldn't be this Omicron variant circulating around.

Maybe this time he'll be wrong and Omicron won't evolve into something more dangerous.  But if he's right again we will be in for some hard times going forward.  They haven't taken down his most recent video, but then the goal of getting needles into arms has largely been achieved, so perhaps the tech companies are less concerned now. 

Here it is:

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Are you ready to get off the never ending injection conveyor belt?

I'm writing this for those who decided to get the shots, regardless of the reasons why. 

Maybe you were genuinely afraid of Covid, and that is justifiable given the non-stop panic porn style treatment it was given by our lying mainstream media outlets.  Or it could be because you're well schooled in the way vaccination campaigns are suppposed to work.  That by immunizing a significant portion of the population viruses peter out because there aren't enough vulnerable hosts to infect.  

Maybe it was because you have eldery and/or vulnerable family members that you were worried about.  And finally maybe it was because you simply had no choice, an impossible decision between rolling up your sleeve or having your family starve.  

It doesn't matter why you did it, it's okay.  Understand that you can now say no to more shots, in fact it's essential you say no and I'll explain why.  

First of all the shots don't work, immunizations are supposed to immunize, and these Covid shots don't do that.  Every day in Ontario now there are more infections among the double jabbed than the non jabbed.  And most of the testing is being done on those who declined, like students and workers required to show proof of a negative test every 72 hours in order to go to school and do their jobs.  

These shots that we were told were our ticket back to normal have failed.  With many countries experiencing worse outbreaks now than when nobody was jabbed it is not unreasonable to think the shots are making things worse.  And we're being told that Canada will soon be in the same boat.  Recall how we were months behind most western countries at getting needles into people's arms.  

We thought we were throwing water on the Covid fire and instead we poured gasoline on it.  And what do our supposed public health officials want to do?  More gasoline.

These shots are not strengthening our immune systems, they're weakening them, and they're causing damage to the heart.  Please read the abstract published by the American Heart Association, here is their concluding statement about the mRNA shots:

"We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination". 

And here is the link directly from the AHA itself:

Yes, they use the word "may", but please understand that science doesn't move at warp speed, it's a slow process.  Pfizer had an anti-inflammatory medication on the market for 5 years called Bextra that was proven to cause heart damage and even death.  It took five years for investigators to determine that the suspicion about the heart damage they thought Bextra "may" be causing, was damage that it actually was causing.  

And please, please, please...think long and hard before having a healthy child injected, they won't be immunized against Covid and they only have one heart.  If you don't know what Cardiomyopathy is and how damaging it is, then you can watch this video.  And remember, there is still no long term safety profile on any of these shots.  Pfizer's trial won't even be done until early 2023 which is still more than a year away.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

Data from Ontario clearly shows it's the fully vaccinated who are now the super spreaders of covid

In Ontario like many jurisdictions, the unvaccinated are required to submit to regular testing.  University and college students who have declined the injections are required to show proof of a negative test every 72 hours in order to go to school.  And it's the same for many workers.  Fully vaccinated people are exempted from this requirement, even though they're not immune from catching and spreading covid around. 

And yet, despite the fact that the fully vaccinated only make up a minority of the tests being done, they are responsible for most of the infections.  While an unvaccinated person is often being tested every three days, those who are fully vaccinated have no reason to volunteer for a nasal colonostopy until  they're actually sick and presenting symptoms of Covid.  

And with Covid said to have a five day incubation period, that means infected people are out circulating in bars, restaurants, gyms, sporting events and other indoor settings for days before knowing they're infecting everyone around them.  The vaccines also provide a false sense of security because people think they're like the old MMR and Polio shots that actually immunized people.  

When was the last time you heard about over 700 infections of Polio or Measels in Ontario in a single day?  The answer is never because the vaccines for those diseases work, a breakthrough infection was incredibly rare.  Now it's hundreds every day, thousands per week, and that's just in Ontario.  

Here's the reporting from Global News for Friday: 

718 fully vaccinated people infected.  That's nearly half of the reported 1,453 identified cases for the day, and more than the 613 cases identified in the majority of people being tested who are unvaccinated.  The remaining cases were 26 for those thought to have been partially protected and another 96 in people with an unknown vaccination status.

I am fully aware that the data doesn't line up with the messaging, but numbers don't lie.  Sadly with most of the population, when the science and the messaging contradict each other most will default to the messaging and not the facts.  

It's a classic paradox.  Everyone knows that politicians and public officials have routinely misreprented facts for our entire lifetimes, we joke about it even:  "How do you know when politicians are lying"?  Answer, when their lips move.  

And yet despite knowing that we've been lied to our entire lives by public officials, now people are willing to toss out any semblance of critical thought or objective reasoning and will believe political talking points over empirical data and facts.  It's almost cult like.  

It's not without historical precedence however, it happens at times of great fear.  We're coming up on two years now of persistent doom and gloom in the media, the never ending drama about: "The deadly coronavirus that's spreading out of control".  

It's only natural that probably close to 90% of the population have been convinced that Covid is pretty much the bubonic plague, even those who don't know of a single younger healthy person dying, or even getting seriously ill and needing medical attention.  

And now with 80 to 90% of the eligible population fully injected with the Covid shots we have people walking around  spreading the virus, probably like never before.  I for one will not be surprised to see the numbers really start blowing up.  We're well into winter weather now which is when respiratory viruses have always been known to spread widely.  

And I won't be surprised if governement officials stop reporting the vaccination status of those infected.  When the facts and data don't support the messaging, it's not the messaging that gets abandoned, it's the data and the science that gets tossed in the bin.  

Viruses spread, and the Covid-19 vaccines don't immunize and they don't prevent transmission.  These aren't your Polio and MMR shots.  Those worked.  

Ontario's Health Minister Christine Elliot - Playing politics with people's health

Christine Elliot has degrees in history and law and is the current health minister for the province of Ontario.  She's also a carerr politician which means her greatest understanding of science is of the political variety, not the medical kind.

Politics is about talking points, about framing a narrative.  And the narrative of the covid vaccines is that they're highly effective.  That's not science, it's a sales pitch.  Science is about evidence and data, and it doesn't care about the talking points.  And all the data and evidence is pointing to one undeniable truth about the covid vaccines, they are highly ineffective.  

So what does a politician do when the data and the facts contradict the messaging?  You manipulate the way the data is presented, you put lipstick on the pig.  And Christine Elliot does it every single day via her official twitter account in reporting the Covid case numbers and data.  

On Friday December 10th Ontario reported 1,453 new cases of covid.  Of that number 1,357 had a known vaccination status (96 unknown).  There were 718 cases among the fully vaccinated, which is 52.9% of the cases with a known vaccination status.  There were 26 cases in pople who are partially vaccinated, 1.9%.  The unvaccinated total was 613 which is 45%.  

The total number of tests conducted was 39,941 for this day.  What isn't reported is the breakdown of those tests in terms of vaccination status.  While it is reported that over 87% of Ontarians aged twelve and up are fully vaccinated, that doesn't mean that 87% of the people being tested are fully vaccinated obviously.  

It is the unvaccinated who are required to submit to frequent testing, not the fully vaccinated.  I know a university student who has to show proof of a negative test every 72 hours in order to attend classes.  Zack lives in residence, and when a fully vaccinated fellow resident came down with Covid he had to submit to an additional test.  Even though the test came negative he was required to quarantine for ten days, while fully vaccinated residents who tested negative were not.  

Because the province refuses to release positivity rates based on vaccination status one is left to speculate.  If the positivity rate was in fact higher among the unvaccinated than the vaccinated, there is no doubt in my mind that the data would be released, because it would bolster the message that the vaccines are effective.  Simple brain dead logic dictates that most of the testing is being done on the two to three million Ontarians who have not gotten vaccinated and are required to submit to regular testing in order to work or go to school like my young friend Zack.  

So going back to Friday's reported numbers, 1,453 new cases of which 1,357 had a known vaccination status.  Of the total cases 96 had an unknown status which is 6.7% of the total number of cases.  51.2% of the total cases were either fully or partially vaccinated, and just 613 or 42% were completely unvaccinated.  

So if you're Christine Elliot and charged with framing a false narrative that the vaccines work, how do you present these numbers?  

First you don't divulge the positivity rate based on vaccination status.  You cite the overall vaccination rate in the province and hope that people are dumb enough to think this is reflective of the people actually being tested.  You only tweet out the number of fully vaccinated cases while lumping the unvaccinated in with those who've had one shot or an unknown status while emphasizing how many people have had the shots.  

Here's how she fudged the numbers back on December 7th, 2021.  

Individuals who are not fully vaccinated represent 23.3% of Ontario’s total population & amount to 450 of Ontario's 928 new reported cases. 77 cases are in individuals with an unknown vaccination status.

And you do the same thing with the hospitalization numbers. Ontario is reporting that there are 309 pateints currently in hospital who have tested positive for Covid.  Of that number just 103 or a third are reported as being unvaccinated.  Does that mean the remaining 206 are either fully or partially vaccinated?  Not necessarily, we don't have all the data.  There are actually 120 patients in Ontario hospitals who have an unreported vaccine status.  

How is it possible for someone to be admitted to a hospital in Ontario with their vaccination status uknown?  If it were a couple or even a dozen, okay...mistakes happen, human error is real.  But 120?!?!  I half jokingly wonder if there are 120 heatlh card eating dogs out there somewhere.

But having 120 people with unknown status helps paint a picture that makes it look like the vaccinations might be working, more lipstick and rouge on the ugly pig that is reality.  Ontario's health minister frames it beautifully, she should have a dedicated chapter in the book titled:  How To Lie With Statistics:  

309 people are hospitalized with #COVID19. 234 are not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status and 75 are fully vaccinated.

By lumping in the unvaccinated with the partially vaccinated and the 120 people whose dogs ate their health cards it makes it "seem" like most of the hospital cases are unvaccinated and that the crappy vaccines are working maybe a little.  

There is an alternative of course, and that would be to publish all the data and provide an accurate picture.  Which is exactly why Ontarians should not expect it, when truth contradicts the political messaging it's the truth that gets tossed in the waste bin.  

You thought the vaccines were the ticket back to normal? You were fooled again...

I've been saying it on this miserable and pathetic little blog for ages, basically since the start, this doesn't end.  I know I'm screaming into a hurricane, at most my postings are read by just a few hundred people, maybe a thousand  if something resonates.  It's a drop in the bucket compared to the programming being done on millions who rely on the nightly news and other corproate media outlets. 

Looking back on the mainstream reporting we can count the lies and false promises that have been broadcast.  Here's a CTV news article from June 16 of this year saying that things would be back to pretty much normal by the fall.  That with 80% of the eligible population vaccinated that the finish line would finllay be in sight.

It made sense didn't it?  You don't need a PHD in virology to understand the concept.  With 80% of the eligible population vaccinated and immune from Covid the virus would find too few hosts to infect and would peter out to nothing.  That's the way vaccines had always worked in the past.  Most people are immunized against polio, the vaccines did their job and we never saw stories of hundreds of fully vaccinated people falling ill with that disease.  

A month later the messaging had changed again, 80% wasn't going to be good enough, we needed to get to 90%.  And now it wasn't just 90% of the eligible population, now it was 90% of the entire population, including those not yet eligible.  Here's a CBC article pushing that fairy tale.

Now, here we are in December and talk of school closures and lockdowns is ramping up yet again.  Health Canada says that almost 80% of the total population has gotten at least one shot.  We're reported to be at 89.49% of those aged 12 and up.  We haven't reached that magic 90% yet, but even if we do, does anyone seriously think that's the end.  

Of course it won't be the end, because the vaccines aren't working.

Just on Thursday December 9th the province of Ontario reported over 600 fully vaccinated people as being infected with Covid.  And while it is true that roughly 75% of the entire population has been fully vaccinated, most of the testing is being done on those who are unvaccinated.  Fully vaccinated people aren't required to undergo regular testing in order to work or go to school, only the unvaccinated are.  

There are millons of Canadians who are unvaccinated, 3-4 million in Ontario alone.  These are the people responsible for the majority of the testing being done.  Why would someone get tested to see if they have a disease they're supposed to have been immunized against?  There's only one reason that makes any logical sense, it's because a fully vaccinated person is sick and displaying symptoms of covid.  

And regardless of the messaging and political talking points, the vaccines are not risk free, anything but.  There's the very real potential for heart damage and a host of other issues.  The American Heart Association just put out a warning citing the significantly increased risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) among participants in an on-going 8 year study for those who've had the mRNA injections (Moderna and Pfizer).  

Don't blame those who declined the shots for the fact that vaccines don't work.  Most of them have taken every other shot.  They're not opposed to vaccinations, just this one that has proven to be both risky and ineffective.  

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

What good are immunizations that don't immunize? American Heart Assoc issues warning about mRNA

We're constantly hearing how the Covid-19 vaccines are "highly effective".  It's one of the key talking points that politicians and public officials spew out without even thinking.  And if the goal is to inject every man, woman and child in Canada with these shots then it makes sense because for most people, talking points trump science.  

With vaccinated people only making up a small percentage of the total number of tests done, Ontario reported yet another day of the vaccinated surpassing those who've declined in total covid infections.  Wednesday saw another 1,009 cases reported, but only 421 amongs the unvaccinated on whom most of the tests are conducted.  The remainder were 502 fully vaccinated, 22 partially and 64 with an unknown status. 

Here's that reporting from Global:

Vaccines by definition are supposed to create antibodies which confer immunity, and immunity means immunity, you don't get infected with the disease.  Here's the definition of the word vaccine: 

Vaccine: (noun) a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases...

And lest there be any confusion over the meaning of the word immunity as it relates to something like a vaccine, here is that definition: 

Immunity: (noun) the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

So the Covid-19 vaccines are unable to resist infection with SARS-CoV-2 the very virus they were supposed to protect people from.  The first ever vaccine where hundreds of people fully vaccinated are coming down every single day with the very infection they were supposed to be protected against. Polio, mumps, measels?  When was the last time you ever heard of hundreds of people coming down with those diseases after being fully vaccinated?  Never.  

And yet people like Ontario Health Minister (with her history and law degrees) continue to refer to this utterly ineffective vaccine as effective.  So what exactly is it effective at doing?  It's obviously not effective as a vaccine.  

Could it be that this particular vaccine is highly effective at damaging the human heart?  That's what an Abstract Warning Paper from the American Heart Assocication suggests.  Orignially published on November 8th of this year, and completely ignored by corporate media outlets, (the same outlets whose talking heads repeat the line about the vaccines being highly effective) it says:  

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination

I will invite you to read it yourself directly from the source. Please take note that the AHA published subsequent expression of concern stating that the aforemented abstract contained typographical errors (spelling mistakes and the like) and that there are "potential" errors.  So maybe the information is reliable, and maybe not.  

Welcome to the covid era everyone.  Oh for the good old days when science wasn't rushed at warp speed, when studies were properly conducted and the long term data firmly established.  Here's the link to the subsequent warning by the AHA that heart damage may or may not be a problem for those injected with the mRNA juice.

I don't have a medical background myself, but I think it might be prudent for anyone who has gotten these mRNA shots to have their hearts checked out.  Not everyone who suffers cardiac problems recognizes it right away.  Even people suffering a heart attack will say that it's nothing to worry about, often with tragic results. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Ontario withholding infection positivity rates in fully vaccinated people as breakthrough infections explode

Ontario's provincial health authorities have a problem.  

After telling people for a year now about how effective these Covid-19 vaccines are supposed to be, infections amongst people who were supposed to be fully immunized are exploding.  

Everyone knows that it is only those who have said no to the shots who are required to submit to regular testing in order to do things like work and go to school.  Fully vaccinated people are exempted from mandatory frequent testing.  I'm certain that many people, faced with a choice between a couple pokes to the arm, or subjecting themselves to a nasal colonostopy every 72 hours decided to get the shots instead.  

Why would anyone choose to get nose raped to see if they are infected with a virus they were supposed to have been immunized against?  There is only one logical reason why anyone would do it, (aside from the small number of air travellers who are required) and that is because they're sick.  

There is no doubt in my mind that this is why Ontario is refusing to publish positivity rates based on vaccination status.  Instead they simply fall back on the fact that around 80% of the population is vaccinated, never saying anything about the fact that most of the testing is being done on the close to 2 million people who've declined the shots.  

Look at the numbers.  On Monday December 6th they reported 426 fully vaccinated people infected.  On Sunday it was 536 cases among the fully vaxxed, Saturday 499, Friday 442, Thursday 429.  

In just 5 days Ontario has reported 2,332 infections amongst people who were supposed to be fully vaccinated. The numbers have been similar in the unvaccinated, but as noted it's the unvaccinated who are responsible for most of the testing.  

It used to be that vaccines provided immunity to disease.  When was the last time you heard about hundreds of polio, measels or mump cases amongst people fully immunized against those diseases?  That's what vaccines have always done.  Here is the defintion for reference:  

Vaccine: (Noun) a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases....

That's why they're often referred to as immunizations, my vaccine booklet actual says:  "Immunization Record".  Now of course we're told that the meaning has changed, that somehow magically vaccines aren't supposed to immunize anymore.  Now they're just supposed to lessen the severity of a disease.  The problem is that for most people Covid isn't a severe respiratory virus to begin with, most recover at home without need of any medical care.  

The health authorities further say that when a fully vaccinated person dies of Covid, that it's because they were old and frail already.  In other words the people in genuine need of protection against covid, they're the ones who don't get it.  These Covid vaccines are like that roof that does a fantastic job at keeping moisture out, except when it's raining.  

And now with people waking up to the fact the shots don't work, it's going to make it even a greater challenge to convince people to roll up their sleeves a 3rd time, and then a 4th when they update the shots for this Omicron variant.  And of course Omicron won't be the last Greek letter, viruses mutate...its what they do.  

If it were somehow possible to vaccinate 80% of the people on the planet within a very short window of time like a few weeks, with a vaccine that actually works, then maybe we could wipe Covid out.  But logic and reality says that is obviously impossible, meaning Covid is just something we're going to have to learn to live with.  

On this most recent Monday there were a reported 25,981 tests, but as always no breakdown by vaccination status.  One is left to speculate on the breakdown given the fact that vaccinated people are not required to be tested regularily, but I would guess that 80-90% of the testing is on the unvaccinated.  That would put the infection rate for the vaccinated population at around 14% and just 1 or 2% for the unvaccinated.  

Given this reality is it any wonder the province is withholding the data?  

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Breakthrough infections exploding in Ontario's vaccinated population as the shots fail to do their job

Colder temperatures have arrived in Ontario and with them a sharp spike in the number of people testing positive as being infected with the novel coronavirus, inluding hundreds every day of people who thought they'd been immunized.  

These are frequently described as "breakthrough cases", another term I've heard is "immune escape".  Everyone knows that viruses mutate, it's why influenzas are endemic.  They never go away.  The annual flu shots are said to only provide partial protection to some.  It looks like these Covid-19 vaccines are even less effective than the annual flu shot.  

In 2018 Statistics Canada says that 8,511 people died from flu, the sixth leading cause of death that year.  That was without conducting tens of millions of PCR tests and then including any death "with" influenza as a death "from" influenza.  So comparing flu and covid is basically apples to oranges because we never tested for flu the way we have for covid. 

On today's date (Saturday Dec 4/2020) Ontario reported a total of 1,053 infections, with 499 of them being fully vaccinated with two or three doses, 25 partially vaccinated with one shot.  The remainder are people who are either unvaccinated or who have an unknown vaccination status, 469 and 60 respectively. On Friday the province reported 442 infections among the fully vaccinated and 27 cases of partially vaccinated people.  On Thurday it was 429 fully and 23 partially.   

That's brings the total of fully vaccinated people infected with the disease they were supposed to have been immunized against to 1,370 cases, and another 108 in people who were said to have partial protection.  And that's just the past three days.  

And while it is true that most of Ontario's eligible population is said to be fully protected, (over 80% of the eligible population) most of the testing being done is on the unvaccinated.  Fully immunized people are not required to submit to regular testing the way the unvaccinated are.  The only logical reason for a fully vaccinated person to decide to go and get tested is if they're sick and displaying symptoms.  

What sane person would subject themselve's to a nasal colonostopy for a disease they're supposed to be immunized against unless they were ill?  

Saturday's reporting said that the results were from over 36K tests that had been completed over the previous 24 hour period.  And while the province doesn't give a breakdown of those being tested by vaccination status I think it's reasonable to assume that 90% of them or so are unvaccinated.  If that assumption is accurate it would mean about 3.6K vaccinated people being tested and about 32.4K tests being done on the unvaccinated.  

That would mean Friday showed a positiivty rate of almost 14% amongst fully vaccinated people and just 1.4% or so of unvaccinated people.  Assumptions would not be necessary if the province would simply provide the data.  But if my assumptions are correct then publishing data that shows the vaccines aren't working....and that they might in fact be making things worse, well that wouldn't help in reducing vaccine hesitancy.  In point of fact it would encourage heistancy and likely make people angry at the authorities who forced them to take the shots.  

And the hospitalization picture isn't any better either.  Ontario reports having 284 patients in  hospital who have tested positive for Covid-19, but only 90 of those 284 are reported to be unvaccinated.  That is just 32% of the total, just under one third.  The remaining 68% are either fully or partially vaccinated, that or their status is unknown.  

That is another curious thing about the reporting.  In Ontario you can't sit down in Tim Hortons without showing proof of vaccination.  And yet there are a reported 118 people in Ontario with covid for whom we  have no vaccination status.  It makes me wonder if these people have dogs eating their health cards?

The fact that there are 118 patients with an unknown vaccination status does help to paint a better picture however for suggesting that the vaccines may have some benefit.  By showing a pie chart that only includes the patients with a known status it makes it "appear" that most of the people in hospital are unvaccinated.....

You can see the reporting on the Ontario Covid portal page, but note that the numbers are updated each day at 10:30 am, so the numbers will change tomorrow from what I've included here.  But I've noted that this large number of patients with health card eating dogs is a constant factor.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Calgary Police Officer issues warning to Canadians - You think we're near the end? This is only the beginning

A member of the Calgary Police has posted a video to social media that has gone totally viral with over four thousand views on facebook in just an hour or two.  It has over one thousand postive reactions (likes/loves etc) and nearly 300 comments so far.  

I can't embed the video but it's publicly available on Facebook at the following linked address:

And you can also view it on Twitter here:

The warning is harsh medicine for people worn out by all the emergency measures and yearning for a return to something at least resembling the old normal.  Like many others I've been saying much the same things as this constqable right from the very start, but I'm nobody.  This miserable and pathetic little blog gets only a couple hundred views a day, on a good day maybe a thousand.  

Hearing it from someone in a police uniform though helps lend credibility in my opinion.  Especially for those just starting to question things, people who've had a nagging feeling for months now that something just isn't right, that things just haven't been adding up. 

He makes reference to Nazi Germany, which most people think was about persecuting Jews.  What many fail  to realize is that it wasn't just the Jews who were persecuted but the entire German population.  Everyone in Germany lost their God given rights and freedoms.  The Jews were simply targetted for harsher measures to distract the rest of the citizenry from their slowly encroaching enslavement, to keep them from realizing that their very way of life was being completely torn down.  

Singling out Jews for harsher persecution played well because of pervasive antisemetic sentinment which existed not just in Germany but in all of Europe and across the world.  Back then people felt about Jews the way many people feel about so called "antivaxxers" now.  The only thing different now is that it's not just people who refuse all vaccinations being labelled with the prejorative slur of antivaxxer.  

Now an antivaxxer includes people who've had every single vaccine ever made available.  Every one except this Covid shot that was rushed into people's arms at warp speed that has proven to be both ineffective and potentially harmful.   

I know that contradicts the messaging that many people now believe with an almost religious like fervor.  The line that the Covid vaccines have undergone extensive testing and have proven to be both incredibly safe and effective has become a cult like article of faith.  Anyone who dares question it is hit with the antivaxxer slur and is deemed a heretic worthy of being burned at the stake.  

But leaving aside the fact that the vaccines don't work, (over 1,000 breakthrough infections over the past three days just in Ontario, with most of the testing being done on the unvaccinated, not the vaxxed) this police officer is 100% bang on the money when he tells  you that this is only the beginning.  If you think the authorities have any plans to return life back to anything close to what it was before....

Folks, Fantasy Island was a television show from the 1970s.  I'm here to tell you the architects of this whole Covid agenda are never going to allow a return to normal, or anything close to it.  And even if every man woman and child woke up to what is really going on, we still wouldn't be going back.  That's because the faith and trust in the institutions that underpin our very society would be completely destroyed.  

Klaus Schwab and his Davos Switzerland cronies with the World Economic Forum, where all the powerful wealthy elites gather to plot out the course of world affairs, they are all in on this Great Reset Agenda.  But even if enough people were to rise up and defeat it, there would still be a reset coming, it just wouldn't be the one the Bill Gates types have planned.  

Listen to the video, the officer is not an antivaxxer, he's opposed to this specific injection.  Yes it is ineffective.  Most people have had their MMR shot.  When was the last time you heard of 1,000 people in Ontario being infected with measels over just a three day period as just happened?  

And please don't be fooled into thinking that the number of vaccinated people getting infected is because most of the population has rolled up their sleeves.  Most of the testing being done is on the unvaccinated, often required to submit to regular testing specifically because they've declined.  

Those who are vaccinated have no reason to be tested unless they're feeling sick.  What sane person would want to have an applicator shoved deep into their nasal cavity to see if they have a disease they're supposed to be immunized against?  There's only one reason and that's because they are ill.  Unvaccinated people who are perfectly healthy have to submit to tests all the time.  

It doesn't end unless enough of us stand up and say no.  

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Over 1,000 fully vaccinated people succomb to breakthrough infections over the past 3 days in Ontario

Ontario reported a total of 959 newly identified Covid cases on Thursday December 2nd with 429 of that total being in people who were fully vaccinated against Covid.  The number of breakthrough cases reported the two days previous was over 300 each day bringing the three day total to over 1,000 for infections amongst the fully vaccinated.  

While it is true that over 80% of the overall eligible population has been vaccinated, those who've rolled up their sleeves two or three times are not subjected to mandatory testing the way the unvaccinated are.  

The province doesn't report positivity rates based on vaccination status, which is curious given that they have the data.  Simple logic dictates that the vast majority of vaccinated people would not subject themselves to an invasive and highly uncomforatable PCR test unless they were feeling sick, while the unvaccinated are often required to.  

I can only guess, but I would bet that when 30,000 people get tested, that just 10% or so, or about 3,000 are fully vaccinated, the other 27,000 would be among the few million who have thus far not given in and taken the needles.  If the province would publish the data of course I wouldn't have to guess.  If my estimation is right though it  would mean a positivity rate of 10-15% amongst the vaccinated and just around 1% of the unvaccinated.  

I won't hold my breath though.  If the data were to show that the vaccinated are getting infected at rates significantly higher than the unvaxxed, then it would contradict all the talking points about the effectivness of these innoculations.  And we're living in an age where talking points trump science, data and facts.  

Right from the start there were eminently qualified world reknowned experts in vaccinology who said that what is happening would happen.  That trying to vaccinate into a pandemic wouldn't work and that it would only make things worse.  

The current crop of vaccines isn't working with the current variants obviously, and now there's this new Omicron variant that is just starting to show up in Canada.  If a new immunization comes out for Omicron, by the time needles start going into arms there will assuredly be another variant, and another and another.  

You don't need a PHD in virology to know that viruses mutate, it's what they do.  The only conceivable way that vaccinating into a pandemic could work would be if it were possible to inject probably 80% of the world's population within a very short window of time.  Even moving at warp speed that isn't possible.  It can't be done in days, weeks or months, not even in years.  Not with nearly 8 billion people on the planets and global travel.  Shut down travel completely and you'll blow up the global supply chain, if that happens some little virus would be the least of anyone's worries.  

Simple common sense says, (as it has from the start) that we're just going to have to live with this SARS-CoV-2 virus the same way we deal with deadly influenza outbreaks.  But governemnts and health officials won't do that because this has never been about protecting health, quite the oppositie.  And the vaccines will continue to be forced into people's arms even though they don't work, because these injections have nothing to do with preventing the spread of a bug that is mostly benign for better than 99% of the population.  

Most people won't see that though, the collective IQ has been so decimated that when science, data, facts and even common sense contradict political talking points, the overwhelming majority of the population defaults to the talking points.  So for that blindly trusting majority I will say that the covid vaccines are safe and effective, so enjoy getting your injections until the virus or the vaccines themselves kill you.  

86 Stillbirths in Waterloo Region over a time frame that should only have seen about 12

Chatham Kent MPP Rick Nicholls recently asked Ontario's Health Minister Christine Elliot what testing was done to ensure the safety of pregnant women and their unborn children who've been vaccinated with the Covid-19 shots.  

He cited statistics showing that the Waterloo Region had reported 86 stillbirths from January to July of this year, compared to normal rates of just one or two per month seen in previous years.  One key difference between 2021 and previous years of course is that all the stillbirths were experienced by women who've gotten the Covid injections, injections that weren't available in previous years. 

The health minister didn't even acknowledge the facts being presented.  As is so often the case Minister Elliot dodged the question and went straight to her talking points, citing the familiar lines about extensive testing and safety we've all heard before. She might as well have just read the marketing material provided by a Pfizer salesperson.  

You can view the exchange here from the Twitter account of an outfit called 'The People's Media'.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

What percentage of fully vaccinated Ontarians are testing positive for Covid?

In Ontario many people who have opted against getting a Covid vaccine are required to submit to regular and frequent testing in order to be able to work or engage in certain other activities.  Those who've rolled up their sleeves are typically exempt.  Frankly I can't see any reason why a vaccinated person would want to be tested for a disease they've been immunized against.  

The only possible reason that makes sense to me is if a vaccinated person is sick with symptoms of Covid and wants confirmation whether or not it's a breakthrough infection.  Otherwise why bother getting a probe shoved so far into your nasal cavity that it practically scratches your brain?  

Typically Ontario tests somewhere between 20 and 30 odd thousand perople per day.  It stands to reason that the overwhelming majority of the people being testeed are the unvaccinated, there are millions available.  I'm sure that's been the motivation for some in opting to get the shots, to avoid the need for testing.  

Just guessing (with the province not disclosing the numbers that's all one can do) let's assume that out of 21,476 tests reported on Tuesday November 30th, that 90% of those were unvaccinated, getting tested because it's a requirement, and only 10% are vaccinated.  

We'll say that 2,150 of the tests were done on the vaccinated, the rest on the unvaccinated.  On that day there were 308 cases among people fully vaccinated.  That would put the positivity rate for the vaccinated at 14.3%.  That leaves 19,326 tests done on the unvaccinated, with 310 of the tests being positive for a positivity rate of just 1.6%. 

These are just logical assumptions, but logic aside they're still assumptions.  The province can eliminate the need to make assumptions by simply providing the data.  If you're going to compare data based on percentages the denominator is obviously of vital importance, otherwise it gives the appearance of deceptively playing with the numbers to push a narrative....which is something that is done in politics all the time but has no place in science.  

Simply give the numbers, how many tests were done in total, how many of that number were unvaccinated, fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated or status unknown.  Then let the facts speak for themselves.  If you want to combat hesitancy and mistrust the best way is through transparency, making all the information available.  If you cherry pick then others will do the same.