A member of the Calgary Police has posted a video to social media that has gone totally viral with over four thousand views on facebook in just an hour or two. It has over one thousand postive reactions (likes/loves etc) and nearly 300 comments so far.
I can't embed the video but it's publicly available on Facebook at the following linked address:
And you can also view it on Twitter here:
The warning is harsh medicine for people worn out by all the emergency measures and yearning for a return to something at least resembling the old normal. Like many others I've been saying much the same things as this constqable right from the very start, but I'm nobody. This miserable and pathetic little blog gets only a couple hundred views a day, on a good day maybe a thousand.
Hearing it from someone in a police uniform though helps lend credibility in my opinion. Especially for those just starting to question things, people who've had a nagging feeling for months now that something just isn't right, that things just haven't been adding up.
He makes reference to Nazi Germany, which most people think was about persecuting Jews. What many fail to realize is that it wasn't just the Jews who were persecuted but the entire German population. Everyone in Germany lost their God given rights and freedoms. The Jews were simply targetted for harsher measures to distract the rest of the citizenry from their slowly encroaching enslavement, to keep them from realizing that their very way of life was being completely torn down.
Singling out Jews for harsher persecution played well because of pervasive antisemetic sentinment which existed not just in Germany but in all of Europe and across the world. Back then people felt about Jews the way many people feel about so called "antivaxxers" now. The only thing different now is that it's not just people who refuse all vaccinations being labelled with the prejorative slur of antivaxxer.
Now an antivaxxer includes people who've had every single vaccine ever made available. Every one except this Covid shot that was rushed into people's arms at warp speed that has proven to be both ineffective and potentially harmful.
I know that contradicts the messaging that many people now believe with an almost religious like fervor. The line that the Covid vaccines have undergone extensive testing and have proven to be both incredibly safe and effective has become a cult like article of faith. Anyone who dares question it is hit with the antivaxxer slur and is deemed a heretic worthy of being burned at the stake.
But leaving aside the fact that the vaccines don't work, (over 1,000 breakthrough infections over the past three days just in Ontario, with most of the testing being done on the unvaccinated, not the vaxxed) this police officer is 100% bang on the money when he tells you that this is only the beginning. If you think the authorities have any plans to return life back to anything close to what it was before....
Folks, Fantasy Island was a television show from the 1970s. I'm here to tell you the architects of this whole Covid agenda are never going to allow a return to normal, or anything close to it. And even if every man woman and child woke up to what is really going on, we still wouldn't be going back. That's because the faith and trust in the institutions that underpin our very society would be completely destroyed.
Klaus Schwab and his Davos Switzerland cronies with the World Economic Forum, where all the powerful wealthy elites gather to plot out the course of world affairs, they are all in on this Great Reset Agenda. But even if enough people were to rise up and defeat it, there would still be a reset coming, it just wouldn't be the one the Bill Gates types have planned.
Listen to the video, the officer is not an antivaxxer, he's opposed to this specific injection. Yes it is ineffective. Most people have had their MMR shot. When was the last time you heard of 1,000 people in Ontario being infected with measels over just a three day period as just happened?
And please don't be fooled into thinking that the number of vaccinated people getting infected is because most of the population has rolled up their sleeves. Most of the testing being done is on the unvaccinated, often required to submit to regular testing specifically because they've declined.
Those who are vaccinated have no reason to be tested unless they're feeling sick. What sane person would want to have an applicator shoved deep into their nasal cavity to see if they have a disease they're supposed to be immunized against? There's only one reason and that's because they are ill. Unvaccinated people who are perfectly healthy have to submit to tests all the time.
It doesn't end unless enough of us stand up and say no.
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