Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Is the PPC a racist party? Anti-vaxx? Climate Change deniers? Will they split the vote?

Maxime Bernier and his People's Party of Canada are staring to garner a lot of attention lately.  And with the so called "purple wave" gaining momentum they're also coming under fire, which should not come as any real surprise.   The party was officially registered by Elections Canada in January of 2019, and less than a year later they ran a nearly full slate of Candidates for the October 2019 federal election.  

When they only polled 1.6% of the national vote in 2019 many dismissed the PPC as a fringe party that would quickly disappear.  That hasn't happened, instead the PPC is now polling far ahead of the Green Party, with some publications suggesting they could take aim at the NDP's status for third place. 

What has happened to breathe life into Maxime Bernier's nascent movenment in such an incredibly short period of time?  The obvious answer is covid and the manner in which governments of all levels and affiliations have chosen to respond.  Many people recognize the absurdity of mandates calling on a small retail outlet to close, while allowing major multi national chains to stay open.  Lockdowns have been both contradictory and unfair.  

Not everyone is so blind to situations like we've seen in Toronto, where a restaraunt on the south side of Steeles is forced to shut down, while 100 metres away on the north side of the street, the same type of buisness was allowed to stay open.  

And now with all the legacy political parties supporting proof of vaccination systems, those who oppose having to disclose personal medical information have yet another reason to look at the People's Party. 

And now the knives are out.....I'm going to address several of the attacks being hurled at Maxime Bernier, PPC candidates and supporters.

The PPC is racist!!!

I've seen this a number of times, both on social media and with mainstream government funded outlest.  Right wing extremists, white nationalism.....these are the slurs being used.  But are they true?  Frankly I have a hard time substantiating any of these claims.  If you look at the slate of PPC candidates running in this election you will see that it is fully representative of Canada's diverse population.  I don't know specific numbers....I don't know the percentage of men versus women, or visible minorities....because frankly I don't care.  What matters to me personaly isn't a person's sex, or the colour of their skin....what matters is where they stand on the issues.  

What is most ironic is that this attempt to portray the PPC and it's supporters as racist, often it comes from Liberals, a party led by a man who has worn blackface so many times he can't put a number on it.  Imagine if Bernier or O'Toole had been found to have paraded around like Al Jolson while associated as a facutly member of a school....they would have been roasted like Patrick Brown was over false allegations of sexual misconduct.

Now, is that to say there are no racists supporting the PPC?  That would be stupid, there are racists in every party....not everyone is as overt as Justin Trudeau of course, but I have zero doubt that there are individuals who harbour racist views in every single party, including the NDP and Greens. I even know lifelong NDP supporters who bemoan that Singh is their leader.  They're still voting NDP but they're doing it in spite of Jagmeet Singh being the leader of their party.  That on its face is disgusting, but it is what it is.....

They're all anti-vaxxers!!!

This one is even more laughable.  On the night of the English language debate, Maxime Bernier took part in a web based Pod Cast style interview along with a candidate who disclosed being fully (two shots) vaccinated against Covid-19.  

Only a moron would call a party with vaccinated candidates "anti-vaxxers".  What the PPC is in favour of is choice, the choice to decide whether or not to be vaccinated with these mRNA or Vector shots, and the choice of whether or not one wants to disclose that status, one way or the other.  

They're Climate Change Deniers...

This is another false claim.  Maxime Bernier is on record saying he believes in Climate Change.  Where this false attack comes from is the fact that the PPC departs from the legacy parties in how to deal with it.  Recognizing that Canada is responsible for just 1.6% of the planet's carbon emissions, it's hard to see for many people what Canada can really do to impact global climate change.  Some think we can "signal" to the world how to respond, but at the end of the day Canada is farting into a hurricane when countries like China are firing up more and more coal plants to generate hydro for their exploding economy.  

They'll split the vote!!!

This one resonates deeply with those Conservatives who are mortified at the prospect of Selfie Boy Al Jolson winning another election, even a minority mandate.  Erin O'Toole has looked at the political landscape in this country and seeing 60% of voters being on the left....he's taken the Conservatives over to that side.  

The Conservative Party of Canada has now moved so far left, with promises of a national Covid vaccination ID system, deficits for at leat the next 10 years, no discussion even allowed on issues that matter to Social Conservatives....its gone so far left that Canadian voters of a Liberal left wing mind set have four choices, five for those in Quebec.  

On the left there's O'Toole, Trudeau, Singh, Greens and BQ, and on the right there's only the PPC.  So the concern of vote splitting should only exist on the left, those on the right don't have anything to split from.....if you're a right leaning Conservative unahppy with the PPC, then you have four or five other Liberal choices to pick from.  It's a great time to be a Liberal in Canada, so many choices.....for Conservative minded Canadians, there's only one party with candidates in almost every riding.  

If you missed the PPC's debate night broadcast you can watch it here:  


Monday, September 6, 2021

Vaccine hesitant??? Why??? Fully Annotated Rant

You don't need faith or the Bible to realize that getting one of these injections is utterly brain dead stupid for the overwhelming majority of people. And that's especially true of parents who've allowed their children to be injected, which sadly includes my ex-wife.....
Why??? It's just a vaccination!!! Vaccinations are good!!!

Yeah, and pain killers are good, so load up on Oxycontin why dontcha. This lack of discernment, lumping any needle being shoved into your arm as all being the same thing......ugh.
So why are people doing it? The vast majority in fact! Why?
Here's a question. Why did almost all Austrians vote in favour of Germany annexing their country??? The answer to both questions is the same and it's propaganda.....not facts, propaganda. People fall for propaganda because the vast majority of the population is STUPID.
We're in a pandemic, you've read the papers, listened to media outlets, tuned into government appointed and approved experts.....you've heard several times over the past year and a half that this virus is OUTTA CONTROL, that IT'S SPREADING LIKE WILD FIRE!!! And you believed it. Austrians believed the propaganda too, that's why over 99% of them voted yes to being taken over by Nazi Germany.
We've had 1.52 million "cases" of Covid during the past eighteen months, that's cumulative....since the start. That is 4% of the entire Canadian population, meaning 96% of the people in this country haven't even tested positive for this bug.
YEAH BUT 1.52 million!!! That is still a lot of people!!!
That's why I put "cases" in quotations.
Tell me something Einstein. Name any virus in history where we've rammed an applicator up people's noses 40+ million times? I'm not making that number up, fact check it. Over 40 million times Canadians have been subjected to a test to see whether or not they have this bug. I'll save you the trouble, the answer is NEVER, we've never tested for anything the way we've tested for Covid.
And does the test even work? Can it distiguish between SARS-CoV-2 and other corornaviruses like the common cold?
Dr. Barbara Yaffe who is Ontario's associate chief officer of medical health said it quite plainly during a press conference with Doug Ford....no, not the one where a live mic caught her saying: "I don't know why I bring all these papers, I don't even read them, I just say whatever they put in front of me".
No not that one. This was during a press conference with Ford, Lecce and other members of Dougie's government.....in response to a reporter's question about proactively testing teachers she said the tests give off false positives: "Almost half the time, the person doesn't actually have Covid, they have something else, they may have nothing".

That's the test we're using.
But over 27,000 people have died because of this virus!!!
Give me a break.....27,000 who had a positive test died, but that does not mean 27,000+ people died BECAUSE of Covid.
Most of our deaths are in Long Term Care, Nursing Home type facilities....where people go when they're old sick and already in the active process of dying to begin with.....it's a weak and frail population. ANY virus floating around in LTC is going to be deadly with this patient population....in Ontario 61% of LTC residents are taking TEN OR MORE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS!!!
I'm not making this stuff up.....check it out. Look at the profile of LTC residents in Ontario, it's on the Ontario Long Term Care Association's own web site!!! I even hyperlinked it. But you won't even look, people who ignorantly fall for propaganda never want to think for themselves or check things out. It's easier to just listen to some anchor on the evening news, they're so good looking and have such awesome hair.
Canada was forecast to have 7.803 deaths per thousand of population as per UN actuarial tables in 2020. That was the forecast BEFORE covid came along. Do the math....but I know you won't, like the Austrians who voted in favour of Hitler taking over their country you can't be bothered.....if it goes against the propaganda you've bought into then it must be false.....a conspiracy theory.
7.803 deaths per thousand of population for a population of 38 millions comes to about 293,000 deaths. That is what Canada was expected to have BEFORE this covid bug came on the scene. And how many did we have? According to preliminary numbers just over 300,000.....so we had about 7,000 excess deaths in 2020.
How many were Covid related though? Freedom of informtionan requests revealed that in 2020 over 2,000 Canadians died due to surgery, diagnostic scans and appointments with specialists being cancelled or delayed. Those aren't Covid deaths, they're deaths caused by government measures....the government that is supposed to care about the health and well being of Canadians made decisions which killed over 2,000 people.
How many people died of drug overdoses in this country in 2020? Ready for a shocker that surely slipped passed your propaganda soaked little brains? More Canadians died of drug overdoses than died WITH, (with, not from) Covid in 2020.
That's right, the total number of deaths chalked up to Covid for the year 2020 was 15,606......Drug overdoses blew that away at over 23,000.....and the Drug ODs weren't people living out their last days getting extensive help with dressing, feeding, toileting and bathing....no, the drug overdoses were mostly young people, often mere teenagers.....you know, the one's who's lives government measures destroyed.
Take away the emergency measures and Canada would have had less deaths in 2020 than we had with them....of that I have zero doubt. That's not being callous, it's simply reality. Most of the people dying with the cause listed as Covid were going to die regardless.....it's sad and depressing, but it's truth.
I know, you think I'm a monster...that even if emergency measures prevented one Covid death, then they were worth it. You're so indoctrinated with propaganda bullshit that you've lost the ability to even think for yourself now. By that logic we should ban swimming, because hundreds of Canadians drown every single year. We should ban travelling in vehicles because 1,000+ people die in car crashes and tens of thousands suffer serious injuries....
What's that ??? THOSE deaths are okay??? You are special aren't you.....BUT THIS IS A VIRUS!!!
Yeah, it's a virus, a weak ass little virus. If you've turned into a germaphobe over this bug buy a hazmat suit and bathe yourself in hand sanitizer.....
Now I'm going to take a small step back.....because I have never said this virus is not real, nor have I ever said that NOBODY has died from it. It is true, some people have genuinely died directly due to Covid.....they're just as dead as the kids overdosing and committing suicide, every bit as deceased as the people killed because the government wouldn't allow our health care system to save them.....
Key to fighting off any virus, Covid along with many others....one needs a strong immune system. And one way to weaken the human immune system is stress. Were Canadians more stressed out in 2020 than in previous years?
Let's see, financial stress from millions being tossed out of work or having their hours severely reduced. Stress from isolation brought on by stay at home measures. Stress from being in domestic situations where there is violence while booze is declared essential. I don't know any way to prove it empirically, but there is little doubt in my mind (zero in fact) that Canadians overall have never been more stressed than they have been during the past 18 months.
Some people do handle stress better than others, I take enormous comfort in my Christian faith, but this post is not about that.
Now, back to ranting.
So this is the bogus emergency......a mostly weak ass little virus, a mouse that was propagandized into a roaring lion by government officials and a compliant and government dependent media. No different from the bullshit story about Iraq's soldiers tossing babies from incubators in Kuwait (look it up)......the media did (and does) what it is told to do....especially when government and pharmaceutical giants are the ones paying them.
Without the emergency we wouldn't even need a vaccine, let alone vaccines that were rushed to market without proper long term safety testing. Injections using platforms (mRNA and Vector) that had never before gotten past the trial stages even after close to twenty years of trying.
But you were dumbed down into being scared, so you rolled up your sleeve, not just once but twice....and now with Israel talking about not just a third dose but a fourth as well, with more to follow every 6 to 12 months.....you've signed yourself up to be a pin cushion for the rest of your life.....however short that may be.
And you want me and everyone else to buy into your mass delusion? You want the government, media and corporate machine that has brainwashed you, you want them to bring in a passport system that will basically make you and employee of the state until you croak from a blood clot or because your ticker gets inflamed.
End of rant....
I know that a lot of my on-line friends, probably most, aren't Christians so I did my best to keep my spirtual beliefs out of this. You probably noticed more profanity here than I've used in the past 6 months combined.
Faith is personal and it's a choice and I thought I'd share these thoughts (it's what I do, it keeps me sane) without going into religious beliefs. I know that it does turn some people off and I get that, because I used to be the same way.
Peace.....and if you want to talk about faith, I do believe it is needed more now than ever. If you don't know Jesus and want to.....I promise you He is the one Person who will never fail you....don't look to me or anyone else.....in point of fact religion can be a barrier to relationship, and a relationship with Christ is what is absolutely needed because this life, however or whenever it ends.....it isn't THE end....it's just the start.