Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that social media is an ocean of ignorance, almost any theory or belief, you can find people claiming to have definitive proof. Dr. Tam and Michelle Obama are men, Joe Biden is an alien, John F. Kennedy didn't die and is living somewhere in Antarctica....whatever.
In point of fact I don't care most of the time. Whether the earth is round or a dome covered disc, (or a flat rectangle) has zero impact on my life. Same with the moon landing, whether we've been there or if the whole thing was staged, the impact on me and basically everyone I know is zero.
"What"??? "The moon landing was faked"??? "That's it, cancel the cottage this summer, we're staying home now"!!!
The Covid-19 vaccines though, that's another matter. There is a lot of false information being spread around, both by those who are either opposed or skeptical, as well as with those who either have had it, or can't wait to roll up their sleeves.
Sadly, in today's world most people are completely ignorant of what science actually is. For many people they think it's a yes or no answer, something that is either right or wrong. "What does the science say"? This common question is most often posed by those who haven't the foggiest idea of how to even define science.
Science is not a yes or no, it is not a simple right or wrong determination. Science is a process, and it is evolving constantly. That which is accepted as true today can later be seen as false with the emergence of new evidence, and then it can go back to true with newer and better evidence. Science is rarely ever "settled".
Let's talk about the Covid-19 Vaccines
My facebook account has been suspended for 24 hours. It wasn't because I shared false information, it was because I called out someone's ignorance about these shots. Pointing out someone ignorantly sharing false information is justification for a stay in Facebook Jail according to our technocratic masters.
Here is the false information being shared that I responded to:
That false information is still up, my response was deleted and I've been banned from posting for 24 hours because of this reply:
Is it true that no vaccine has ever had "Long term side-effects"? No it is not, the rushed Swine Flu vaccine of 1975 was withdrawn for precisely that reason. There are loads of scientific papers and articles on it, but for those who like things in an easier to digest format, here is 60 Minutes reporting on what happened, and their indictment of the profit driven Pharmaceutical Industry.